Falsches pings entsprechen allerdings einem Teamkill...
Letztens pingte auch so ein gehirnamputierter von top zu mid kommen und auf einmal werde ich alleine von 3 Leuten geganked und der meint warum ich Mitte gehe (meinte "angeblich" miss).
Das gab einen dicken Report von insgesamt 3 Leuten aus dem Team.
Nachtrag zu Patchnotes... Mal wieder großteils Scheiße!
* The time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects. The time to gain the next charge does not progress while Akali is at maximum charges
Als ob die nicht schon hart an der Grenze von Balanced war, so übel wie die zuschlägt, wenn mal einer angeschlagen ist...
* Valkyrie range increased to 800 from 700
* Valkyrie base speed increased to 650 from 500
* Missile Barrage
o Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of Corki's total attack damage in addition to ability power
o Updated the tooltip to reflect that a Big One deals twice as much damage as a normal missile
o The time to store a missile is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects
o The time to store the next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles
o Corki respawns with 4 missiles
Nur weil ihn keiner spielt oder noobs failen, kriegen die guten Spieler ihr Damage Monster mit der übelsten Auto Attack (dank Gattling und Passiver) noch eine verbesserte Ulti und den Escape Skill verbessert... Jetzt kann man auch noch leichter das Stack Item gefüllt halten...
Dr. Mundo
* Magic resistance per level increased to 0.75 from 0.5
Als ob der Scheißer mit seiner Ulti, die zu wenig CD hat nicht schon genug abhält...
* Essence Flux attack speed increase changed to be additive rather than multiplicative
* Essence Flux cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10 seconds
* Trueshot Barrage ability power ratio increased to 0.9 from 0.8
Macht den Buff/Debuff, der ihn besonders macht kaputt...
* Bouncing Blade cooldown reduced to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
* Killer Instinct cooldown reduced to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14
Als ob die im Early Game nicht schon übel genug ist, wenn schon, dann Late Game...
Miss Fortune
* Ricochet Shot damage dealt to the secondary target reduced to 115% from 120%.
* Make It Rain slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds
Endlich mal was gutes, wobei E eher ein Delay braucht damit nicht jeder Dummkopf das missbrauchen kann
* Mace of Spades
o Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 20/40/60/80/100
o Now scales off of only bonus damage rather than all damage
o Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only hits 1 target
o Health cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
o The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser
* Creeping Death
o Base damage increased to 24/38/52/66/80 from 16/32/48/64/80
o Ability power ratio increased to 0.2 from 0.15
o Increased missile travel speed when casting Creeping Death on an ally
* Siphon of Destruction
o Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245
o Ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
o Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5 from 6/9/12/15/18
* Children of the Grave
o Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration up from 24/28/32%
o Now deals half damage to the target initially and half damage over time
o Duration increased to 10 seconds from 8
o Total ability power ratio over the duration increased to 0.04 from 0.016
o Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield
o Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, reduced from 25%
o Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, reduced from 25%
* Children of the Grave Pet
o The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's ability power and damage at all 3 ranks and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's total ability power
o Pet health bonus reduced to 15% from 50%
o Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors
* Iron Man
o Shield generation increased to 30% from 25%
o Fixed a tooltip bug
* General
o Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%
o Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in
o Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)
o Reworded/simplified several tooltips
Schön das einzige, was an ihm gut ist kaputtmachen...
* Boomerang Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage
* Boomerang Blade base damage reduced to 20/70/120/170/220 from 60/115/170/225/280
* Health per level increased to 82 from 76
Als ob Ricochet oder BB nicht je schon einzeln genug raushauen und man spieler nicht beides voll ausreizen lassen sollte...
* Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25
* Noxious Traps now show their remaining duration when selected
Jetzt wird jemand, der teamdienlich das Orakel kauft nicht mehr belonht... Gehirnamputiert!
* Ambush attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%
Nerfed eine schwache Klasse 2mal am Stück solange großteils starke noch Buffs kriegen...
* Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their Tiger Stance damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)
Wunderbar, er wurde wieder schwächer gemacht, wo eh kaum einer damit was reist...