Playstation 3 ***Sammelthread*** Part 15

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Habe mir erst letzte Woche 4 Games bestellt. Alle OVP - Eingeschweist. Habe ca. 15€ por Spiel gezahlt. Waren schon etwas ältere Titel aber trotzdem um längen billiger als in DE. Zoll musste keine Angst haben, da inerhalb der EU frei ist ;)

Lieferung hat bei mir 3 Tage gedauert. Habe Sontag bestellt, Mitwoch hatte ich die Games. Also besser geht es meiner Meinung nach nicht.
Wie ist das mit der Garantie? Wenn ich mal was mit dem Controller habe?

Ich hab nun Midnight Club, GT5 P und den Sisaxis in den Warenkorb, macht 85 Pfund, also 101 Euro, in DE bei amazon 156 Euro :eek:

Ist schon Geil, geht Proloque UK? Hab gelesen soll gehen.
Das weiß ich nicht, habe bisher nur Spiele bestellt.

Mit den Spielen wirst du keine Probleme haben, außer vielleicht, dass sie auf Englisch sind, was aber bei den meisten nicht der Fall ist. Meist ist der Text auf DE nur die Sprachausgabe auf UK. Onlinemodus bei den Games solltest du auch keine Probleme bekommen, da es meist nur Europaserver gibt und keine speziellen für DE ;)
hab jetzt schon 14 Spiele für meine PS3 die ich erst seit anderthalb wochen habe aber muss ehrlich sagen so richtig freunde werden wir da noch nicht, 2 Spiele gibt es die ich gar nicht mal so schlecht finde das ist Unchartet und (nicht lachen) die Virtua Tennis 3 Demo (original lege ich mir noch zu) Spiele hab ich ne menge alles so must Have wie Dead Space oder COD 5 ,irgendwie kommt nicht so richtig freude auf weis auch nicht warum ...vielleicht bin ich einfach nicht zum Spielen geboren,hab früher sehr gern Collin Mcrae auf dem Sega system gespielt,habe natürlich auch für die PS3 Colin Mcrae Dirt und muss sagen man ist das schlecht umgesetzt total Arcadelastig keine Simulation mehr,echt mies,bin total entäuscht .....mal sehen vielleicht werden wir ja noch freunde meine PS3 und ich,aber im moment kann ich nur sagen,schöner Divx Abspieler :fresse:
@ Stiffmaster

Da die DE Version schon Multi ist, wird es bei der UK Version nicht anders sein, da es wahrscheinlich nur eine "EU"Version gibt ;)

@ aphofis

Habe meine PS3 schon mehr als 1 Jahr, aber so ging es mir zu Anfang auch. Keine richtigen Spiele, die mich begeistert haben. Alle haben von Resestence, oder wie man das schreibt geschwärmt :fresse: Habe es hier auch noch liegen, finde das Game einfach nur doof, um es nett auszudrücken. Das 1. Spiel was mich gefesselt hat war Uncharted. Dann kam noch Motorstorm, zu Abwechslung hatte ich Fifa 08, was auch ne Menge Spaß gemacht hat, vorallem mit ein paar Kumpels an nem lockeren Abend. ;) Also geb die PS3 noch nicht auf.
Ich weiss nich ob ich den Controller bestellen soll....

Die Games werde ich bestellen. Hab halt Angst das mit dem Controller was ist, dann hab ich keine Garantie, oder wie ist das? Muss ich den dann nach England schicken?
Wenn ich mich recht entsinne, hat man doch immer Garantie über den Hersteller, anhand der Seriennummer, oder ?

Dann müsste es doch kein Problem sein, dass Teil an Sony in DE zu schicken, falls es kaputt ist, oder ?
Das weiss ich leider nicht. Hab kein gutes Gefühl dabei, der Versand nach EN ist auch nicht billig denke ich .

Ist MC LA echt so schwer? Hab kein Bock auf Game das so schwer ist das es keinen Spass macht.
Hat Dead Space, Resistance 2, Far Cry 2 oder Bioshock aus England oder USA die deutsche Sprache?
Games hab ich bestellt, den Controller mal noch nicht. Den gibts in DE auch für das Geld, ca. zmindest. Das mit der Garantie ist mir zu Gefährlich.

Mal im Ernst, der Logitech kostet nur 30 , taugt der nix?
Wieso wieder alle, nur ich nicht :(

Unfair. Macht doch mal ein paar Bilder oder berichtet etwas genauer.
mal wieder was zu dead space:

zum kotzen die stelle mit den asteroiden! ich finde dass diese stelle ein totaler designfehler ist! da hab ich 4level sau spass und angst...und dann sowas. -.-
jetzt 2 tage lang probiert, ich gebs auf. wenn ich das nicht schaffen sollte dann geht das spiel wieder raus!
kannst mir ja dein Savegame schicken und ich machs für dich und speicher einfach an der nächsten Savestation. Vorraussetzung ist allerdings, dass du die US Version hast. Ansonsten könnte es einer der anderen Luxxer machen, die die selbe Dead Space Version wie du haben.

mfg Skip
Ja so schnell gebe ich nicht auf danke für den Mut den du mir damit zusprichst :)

@Kartoffelluder ja ich hänge immer noch in Level 1 deshalb Spiele ich es auch nicht mehr k.A. was ich da machen muss,i-wann machts halt keinen Spass mehr
ne ich hab die eu-version glaub ich. aber ich kann ja nochmal nachschaun. wäre nett wenn das gehen würd :)

@ aphofis
im level 1? was musst da nochmal machen wo du hängst?
@aphobis: Hier der Walkthrough für das erste Kapitel...

Main Objectives:

[ ] Find the vessel USG Ishimura
[ ] Diagnose and repair communication blackout

EXTRA NOTE: Use the right analog (thumbstick) during the opening cutscene to
move the camera slightly.

EXTRA NOTE: Right after the Kellion shuttle lands in the Ishimura, the camera
can be fully rotate around Isaac Clarke in order to view his face - this is one
of two times in the game where his true face may be seen.

== Hangar Bay ==

Objective Added:

[ ] Follow the Security Team

The Ishimura looks like it's in bad shape, and our shuttle is going to need
extensive repairs. Where the hell is the flight crew?

The --MESSAGE FROM NICOLE-- database file is now added to the Database menu
under the Chapter 1 tab as the game starts. To examine your database, pull up
the inventory menu by pressing /\ (or Y) then press either L2 or R2 (LB or RB)
to cycle through the menu until you reach the Database.

Turn around and move the opposite way and the --MOVEMENT TRAINING-- tutorial
will be added under the Training portion of the Database. All tutorials, audio
logs and text logs will be displayed in a hologram to Isaac's right as he
receives them, picks them up or views them again.

Use the left analog (thumbstick) to move Isaac and use the right analog
(thumbstick) to move the camera. Isaac can sidestep by holding to the right or
left and he will turn while moving and holding the right analog (thumbstick) to
the right or left. The blue segmented glow on the back of Isaac's RIG (suit)
is his life bar and it is, ever so conveniently, always in view, so you don't
have to open a menu to see it.

Before walking out of the shuttle, make a left and enter the room off to the
side and pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- from off the floor to the right. Exit
the ship.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Message From Nicole" database file--, [ ] --"Movement Training" database
file--, [ ] Small Med Pack

Kendra will be surveying the damage of the shuttle outside. Move along the
walkway to the north. The --ACTION BUTTON TRAINING TUTORIAL-- will appear as
Isaac walks to the door up ahead. Basically, X (or A) will interact with a
door and open it. A bluish-white glow will be displayed over a locked door
while a red glow will be displayed over a locked door. Some red doors can be
unlocked with the proper item. As Isaac meets up with the rest of his crew up
ahead, the first objective will be accomplished and a new objective will

Objective Complete:

[X] Follow the Security Team

Objective Added:

[ ] Open the Hangar Door

I can use my uniform's RIG (Resource Integration Gear) to interface with
the Ishimura's holographic display system.

Before messing with the door, look off to the right to find a box with a green
light up above it. These boxes contain items and I will refer to them as item
boxes from now on. You must destroy them to get the item from inside, however
if this is your first playthrough then you can't destroy it yet. If this is
your second playthrough then walk over to the box and press either the R2 (or
RB) button to break it open. Make sure Isaac's foot hits it. The box will
leave behind a random item.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Action Button Training" database file--, [ ] Item Box

Walk forward and interact with the door. Press the X (or A) button when the
"Open?" message is displayed on the front of it. Some of these doors are kind
of like doors in Metroid Prime, where the room will load as the door is opened,
so they won't always open instantaneously and may take a few seconds.

== Flight Lounge ==

Objective Complete:

[X] Open the Hangar Door

Alright, we can now open doors! Feel free to search over the room while your
crew scans over it.

Check the cubbies on the left side as Isaac enters and pick up the --SMALL MED
PACK-- and --RANDOM CREDITS-- from each end. There is an --ITEM BOX-- off to
the right also.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] Random Credits, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box

Soon a new objective will appear along with the --OBJECTIVES TRAINING--
tutorial. Press Select (or Back) to pull up the map and press the R2 or L2 (RB
or LB) buttons from the menu to cycle through your objectives if needed. There
is also this very handy and fantastic objective pointer that can be seen by
pressing and holding the R3 (or RS) button. This fine line will showcase the
way to your next objective. Basically you won't even need any help to get
there... which means I can end this walkthrough now! I'll see you again around
the time of Resident Evil 5 next yea-

Oh, I kid, I kid!

Objective Added:

[ ] Activate the Security Console

There should be a security console nearby where I can run a systems
diagnostic check.

If you move on ahead, you'll notice a white glow on the wall. This is your
first !!SAVE STATION!!, so walk over to it and interact with it to save your
game. There is an --ITEM BOX-- to the left while standing in front of it.

Open the door off to the right and move into the corridor with blood streaks.
The security console is at the end of the corridor to the right. Walk over to
the console and press X (or A) to activate it by loading the damage report.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Objectives" database file--, [ ] Item Box

Objective Completed:

[X] Activate the Security Console

The lights will go out in the room. That's not good. An alien creature
(Slasher) will appear in the outside room and begin to slaughter your pilot.
Damn, that's not good either. Soon one of the Slashers will bust through a
vent in the side wall on Isaac's side and attack him but thankfully, Kendra
will restore power to the room outside and the door beside Isaac will open.

Objective Added:

[ ] Get to Safety

We've been attacked! I'm cut off from Hammond and Kendra. I've got to
find somewhere safe, somewhere to hide...

Uh-oh. Haul ass through the doorway, Isaac! Hold L2 (or LB) to run while

== Hall to Lift Room ==

The --RUN!-- database file will soon appear under your Database menu for
Chapter 1 as Kendra contacts Isaac further down the hall. Whenever Isaac is
contacted over radio, the conversation will usually be recorded into a database
file, which is viewable under the database menu for each chapter.

Move down the corridor quickly. My god, they are right behind you, you better
get your ass in gear, my friend. The Slashers will fall from the ceiling and
stagger Isaac as he runs. Dash toward the elevator door at the end and
interact with it to open the elevator. It's pretty hard to get through this
entire area without getting hit on your first time through the game. Step
inside the elevator very quickly. The Slashers will not follow.

EXTRA NOTE: Don't try to go back outside the elevator. If you do, then the
Slashers will hop back down from the ceiling. It's quite hilarious how Isaac
can step back in and out and the elevator and make them appear and disappear
continuously though. Kind of like stepping to and from the base in a game of

Interact with the controls in the elevator to take it down. The elevator will
pause for a moment then a Slasher will open the door. Don't worry, he'll get
what's coming to him as the elevator doors close and the elevator heads to the
lower floor.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Run!" database file--

== Workshop ==

Step out of the elevator when the doors open. There is an --ITEM BOX-- and
another --ITEM BOX-- off to the left after Isaac steps out. Move up the steps
off to the left and take the ++PLASMA CUTTER++ from the counter near the dead
body. This is Isaac's main weapon throughout the game. The --WEAPONS
TRAINING-- along with the melee tutorials will be added to the Tutorial menu
after picking up the weapon - the "Melee Training" falls under "Weapons
Training in the database menu.

Hold the L1 (or LT) button to aim with the weapon then press R1 (or RT) for
primary fire and L2 (or LB) for secondary fire. The primary fire for this
weapon fires out an energy blade that will slice through whatever it hits.
This weapon can easily cut through an enemy's limbs or head. Secondary fire
makes the front portion of the gun rotate between vertical and horizontal -
this helps for cutting off arms or legs respectively. Tap the X (or A) button
while aiming to reload. The melee primary attack can be performed by tapping
the R1 (or RT) button while not aiming. This can be tapped twice for a
combination of two punches. I'll get to the secondary melee attack in a

There is an --ITEM CHEST-- along with another --ITEM CHEST-- to the right of
the dead body. Item Chests with a blue light can be opened by interacting
while standing in front of one. They usually contain random items. Much like
doors, the chests that carry a red light are locked.

Since you now have a weapon and there is a victim in the room, let's talk about
the secondary melee attack - the stomp attack. Walk back over to the dead
body. Dead bodies are very fun to mess around with in Dead Space, especially
if you have a sadist persona hidden deep down inside of you somewhere. See,
walk over to the dead body and tap the R2 (or RB) button. Oooo, didn't that
feel good? Isaac should have stomped off a leg or two. This is actually a
purpose to stomping these dead corpses later in the game. Feel free to
continue to mutilate the body if you want to while I get these items listed.
By the way, you can now stomp the item boxes in this room now.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] ++PLASMA
CUTTER++, [ ] --"Weapons" database file--

Walk toward the door on the front right side of this room. You've probably
been hearing a ruckus coming from the next room. Walk up to the fusebox on the
right side of the door and hit it with a melee attack by pressing R1 (or RT)
while standing near it and this will unlock the door. Isaac can perform a
total of two punches as a melee combination attack. Keep in mind that these
can be shot with Isaac's current weapon as well. Open the door.

A Slasher will attack a crew member in the next room as soon as the door is
opened. The Slasher will dash at Isaac next so step back into the room that
you're currently. Flip the Plasma Cutter horizontally with the secondary fire
then aim for the legs of the Slasher. Shoot off a leg and that should
basically kill it. Be sure to stomp on its dead body some to help toward
netting you the Marksman, Surgeon and Butcher trophies (achievements) quicker.
Yes, even stomping will count toward the unlockable!

Dismembering necromorphs is the quickest way to damage them even though it is
not exactly needed as much at the moment. It is best to learn to shoot off
limbs right now and this will help out greatly for battles later in the game.
The necromorphs aren't that strong just yet, but that will change later.
Simply shooting off a necromorph's head is not always the best option, since
they can still attack even without a head. It's really best to shoot off an
arm or leg to actually incapacitate them in some way and make it harder for
them to attack while damaging them. Shooting off a head will damage one just
like knocking off any other limb, but it doesn't limit their attacks.

== Tram Control Hallway ==

Well, looks like we were too late to save the Ishimura crew member. Time to
mutilate! Follow the hall to the north and open the door at the end.

The next portion of the hallway is very dark. The objective marker insist that
you go right, but I say we go left and pick up the --RANDOM CREDITS-- near the
debris at the end. Hey, did I just see something on the other side of that

Backtrack to the door and take the next side of the hall. Before picking up
the --SMALL HEALTH PACK-- on the floor, you'll get the --HEALTH TRAINING--
tutorial. Basically, you can either tap the [] (or X) button during gameplay
to replenish health or choose the health item from your inventory to use it.
When tapping the required button during gameplay, the smallest health item will
always be used first.

Move further down the hall and pick up the --VENT WARNING-- database file.
This database file is presented as an audio log item - some database files must
be collected through various rooms throughout the game. A few of them are text
files. "Vent Warning" will now be added under Chapter 1 in the database menu.
Step into the Tram Control Room through the doorway at the end of the hall.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Random Credits, [ ] Small Health Pack, [ ] --"Health" database file--,
[ ] --"Vent Warning" database file--

== Tram Control Room ==

The shutters up ahead will open soon and the outside light will light up the

Objective Completed:

[X] Get to Safety

It seems Kendra and Hammond made it out safe. They can be seen on the walkway
through the windows. Isaac will receive the --REPAIR THE TRAM SYSTEM--
database file after Hammond and Kendra speak with him. The current objective
will also be updated and the --MAP TRAINING-- database file will be received as

Objective Added:

[ ] Replace the Damaged Tram

The Ishimura looks like it's in bad shape, and our shuttle is going to need
extensive repairs. Where the hell is the flight crew?

There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the right wall near where Isaac entered this
room and there are two --ITEM LOCKERS-- on the other side that can be opened.
The controls directly across from the entrance door require a data board in
order for Isaac to use the tram controls to the left of it. Be sure to save
your game at the !!SAVE STATION!! then leave the room through the door on the
opposite side.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Repair the System" database file--, [ ] --"Map Training" database file--
, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] Item Locker

== Cargo Hallway ==

Move into the hallway split up ahead. Down the left path you'll find an --ITEM
BOX-- in the middle and some --RANDOM AMMO-- near the middle. See that dead
Slasher in the middle of the hall? I don't trust it, so aim for its legs and
shoot to see if it- Ah, we have a live one here! Continue to work on cutting
off one of its legs as it staggers toward Isaac. All jokes aside, always be on
the lookout for necromorphs that play dead - sometimes they actually lie in
areas along with necromorphs that have already been defeated. The little

Pick up the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from near the Slasher then continue down the
north side of the hall and grab the --SHOOT THE LIMBS-- database file and
--RANDOM AMMO--. There is a !!SAVE STATION!! in the middle of the hall.
Return to the south side of the hall since the north side door is locked. Open
the door to the Tram Tunnel.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Item Box, [ ] Medium Med Pack, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] --"Shoot the Limbs"
database file--, Random Ammo

== Tram Tunnel ==

Don't you hate it when bodies fall from the ceiling like that? Just makes me
want to stomp them even more...

Halfway down the corridor the --DISMEMBERMENT-- database file will be received
and the --DISMEMBERMENT TRAINING-- database file will be added to the database
as well. Cut them apart Isaac! Open the door further ahead.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Dismemberment" database file--, [ ] --"Dismemberment Training" database

Pick up the --1000 CREDITS-- from off to the left. The left side is blocked,
so let's go right. Stomp the --ITEM BOX-- on the floor near the slamming door
then pick up the ++STASIS MODULE++. The --STASIS TRAINING-- database file and
--STASIS DOOR-- database file will be received after picking up the Stasis

The Stasis Module allows Isaac to slow an object considerably to the point that
it nearly freezes. Aim with your current weapon then press the [] (or X)
button to fire at the slamming door and it will slow down considerably and
allow Isaac to pass by it without receiving damage, so slow it down and pass by
it. Keep in mind that using stasis will consume stasis energy, which is
displayed on Isaac's back as the curved half-circle meter to the right of the
life meter. There is a stasis recharger down the right side of the tunnel if
you need a recharge on stasis energy.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] 1000 Credits, [ ] Item Box, [ ] ++STASIS MODULE++, [ ] --"Stasis Training"
database file--, [ ] --"Stasis Door" database file--

Move on up the next hall then collect the --STASIS PACK-- from the floor.
These will recharge Isaac's stasis gauge if used from the inventory menu.
There is a !!SAVE STATION!! up ahead. The lights will go out in the tunnel
eventually, but they will come back on soon. Move down the hall to the right
and enter the restroom area on the left. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- and other
--RANDOM AMMO-- from the left restroom and the --SMALL MED PACK-- from the
right restroom.

Exit the restroom area then grab the --3000 CREDITS-- from the end of the hall
to the left. Return to the opposite end of the hall then turn right and stomp
the --ITEM BOX-- near the locked door then move back down the hall and make a
right and then open the door to the Tram Repair Room.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Stasis Pack, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Random Ammo, [ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] 3000
Credits, [ ] Item Box

== Tram Repair Room ==

The --REPLACING THE TRAM-- audio file will be received right after Isaac enters
this room and the objective will be changed slightly.

Objective Added:

[ ] Replace the Damaged Tram

A broken tram car is blocking the whole system. Looks like it got
delivered to Tram Repaid, but never got switched off the tracks.

Turn right then walk along the catwalk and then look on the right wall and find
the blue container along the wall. Open it and pick up the --POWER NODE-- from
inside. These items will allow Isaac to upgrade his weapons and equipment once
you make it to a Bench. You haven't run across a Bench yet though.

Walk over to the controls for the first claw below. Interact with the controls
to engage the first claw and it will hook onto the tram car below. The claw
will move out and lock onto the tram car and stay there. Move up the stairs.
The controls in the middle are used to activate the tram once the two claws are
connected to it, so we can't use it at the moment. Move down the set of steps
on the opposite side. A Slasher will burst through a vent on the wall below
and attack, so be prepared to blast him with the plasma cutter.

Move by the other controls for now and open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall.
A Slasher will bust through the other vent along the wall as soon as the item
container is opened. Pick up the --SMALL MED PACK-- and the --TRAM STATUS--
database file.

Walk over to the controls for the other claw. Whenever the claw is engaged, it
will latch onto the tram then eventually retract. You have to find some sort
of way to keep the claw attached to the tram long enough so that Isaac can run
up to the main controls in the middle and initiate the repair command on the
tram. Did I just see a light bulb over your head right then?

If not, activate the claw then shoot the claw with the stasis module right when
it connects. While the claw is slowed down with stasis, quickly run up to the
controls in the middle of the room then initiate repairs on the tram. If you
mess this up then there is a stasis recharger directly across from the middle

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Replacing the Tram" database file--, [ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Container,
[ ] Small Med Pack, [ ] --"Tram Status" database file--

Objective Complete:

[X] Replace the Damaged Tram

Once the command is initiated the claws will replace the tram. The --REPLACED
THE TRAM CAR-- database file will be received shortly after the tram is
replaced and a new objective will be issued.

Objective Added:

[ ] Find the Data Board

The tram computer is offline because of a missing data board. Kendra
thinks the data board in the Maintenance Bay. Did someone deliberately try
to shut down inter-deck transport? We aren't getting far unless I get that
tram system running.

A Slasher will attack from off to the left so be ready. The --FIND THE
DATABOARD-- database file will be received while leaving this area. Go back to
the hallway outside.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Replaced the Tram Car" database file--, [ ] --"Find the Data Board"
database file

== Tram Control Hallway ==

A new enemy will appear in the vent overhead but it will not attack. These are
Stingers and they are really more deadly than the normal Slashers, even though
they are basically legless Slashers with tails. Isaac will run into one soon
enough. Enter the Tram Tunnel again - you'll have to use the stasis module to
slow the slamming door once again.

== Tram Tunnel ==

A Slasher and a Stinger will attack from off to the right. Stun them both with
stasis as they move toward Isaac. The Stingers attack with a sharp tail (a
stinger) from their backside while they crawl and they can move pretty fast and
also jump at Isaac, so watch them closely and try to keep them at a distance
while fighting them. Recharge your stasis at the stasis recharge before
leaving. Enter the hallway on the other side.

== Tram Control Hallway ==

The --MAINTENANCE BAY UNLOCKED-- database file will be received while moving up
the ramp. Open the door to the hallway ahead.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Maintenance Bay Unlocked" database file--

Run down the hall then save your game at the middle save station. Enter the
Maintenance Bay elevator through the door at the end of the hall. Step inside
the elevator then use the controls to move down to the Maintenance Bay.

== Maintenance Bay ==

Objective Change

[ ] Find the Maintenance Bay Key

The data board is locked up in a storage room. The key should be somewhere
in the Maintenance Bay.

Your main objective will be changed as Isaac takes the elevator down and
receives the --LOCKED DOOR-- database file. Smash the --ITEM BOX-- off to the
right after stepping out of the elevator. A total of four Slashers will attack
in this area. The red explosive canisters in this area can be shot in an
effort to highly damage each Slasher while it stands next to one.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --Locked Door" database file--, [ ] Item Box

Move across the catwalk directly ahead and you'll come to the Bay Office
(Storage Room). The door requires the Storage Key. A Slasher will attack from
off to the right and he will be stepping near a red canister, so shoot it while
he walks toward it. Move down the catwalk area where the Slasher came from.
Off to the right there is a catwalk that leads to an --ITEM CONTAINER-- and an
--ITEM BOX--. Pick up the --RANDOM AMMO-- from in front of the elevator then
ride the elevator up to the second floor.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] Random Ammo

== Maintenance Bay 2F ==

Walk over to the right and smash the --ITEM BOX-- then open the --ITEM
CONTAINER-- to the left. The second body along the catwalk up ahead is
actually a Slasher lying in wait, so blast him with the plasma cutter to let
him know that Isaac is here.

Another Slasher will attack further ahead. Pick up the ++MAINTENACE BAY KEY++
that lies in between the --REPAIR INVOICE-- database file and a --RANDOM AMMO--

Objective Complete:

[X] Find the Maintenance Bay Key

A Slasher will attack on the way back across the catwalk. Take the elevator
back down to the first floor.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Item Box, [ ] Item Container, [ ] ++MAINTENANCE BAY KEY++, [ ] Random Ammo,
[ ] --"Repair Invoice" database file--

== Maintenance Bay 1F ==

A very violent Slasher will attack as the elevator doors open, so you might
want to shoot him with stasis to calm him down a bit. Walk over to the Bay
Office and use the Maintenance Bay Key to unlock the door.

== Maintenance Bay Office (Storage Room) ==

Open the --ITEM LOCKER-- off to the right then collect the --POWER NODE-- from
the container against the far wall. As you walk toward the bench up ahead,
Isaac will receive the --UPGRADE BENCH-- database file. These upgrade benches
will allow Isaac to upgrade his current gear through the use of Power Nodes. I
would recommend upgrading either his RIG or the plasma cutter for now. The RIG
is really the most important to upgrade since upgrading it will eventually
raise Isaac's health bar. Pick up the ++DATA BOARD++ on the table to the side.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Power Node, [ ] Item Locker, [ ] --"Upgrade Bench" database file--, [ ]

Objective Complete:

[X] Find the Data Board

Isaac will receive the --FOUND DATABOARD-- database file on his way out of the
storage room and a new objective will be issued.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Found the Data Board" database file--

Objective Added:

[ ] Install the Data Board

Before I can operate the tram, I need to take the data board back to Tram
Control and install it.

Two Slashers will attack as Isaac leaves the Bay Office. You might want to use
stasis to pin one down. Another Slasher lies on the catwalk directly in front
of the elevator that goes back down to the Tram Control Hallway, so be sure to
surprise him with some shots from the plasma cutter. Take the elevator back
down to the Tram Control Hallway then enter the Tram Control Room. Another
Slasher will attack as the elevator doors open into the hallway - the
necromorphs know where you're headed!

== Tram Control Room ==

Walk over to the controls on the far right side of the room and interact with
them to install the data board.

Objective Complete:

[X] Install the Data Board

Objective Added:

[ ] Call the Tram

Looks like I've got the tram system up and running. I can call a tram for
Hammond and Kendra from Tram Control

The controls in the middle portion of the room are now activated since the data
board is in place. Walk over to the middle controls and interact with them to
call the outside tram.

Objective Complete:

[X] Install the Tram

The --ACTIVATED THE TRAM-- database file will be received as Kendra and Hammond
enter the outside tram. Hammond will ask Isaac to return to the Kellion (your
shuttle) and run a diagnostic check on it.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Activated the Tram" database file--

Objective Added:

[ ] Return to the Kellion and Run Diagnostics

Hammond wants me to prep the Kellion for launch despite the damage it took
on our landing. I can probably get it functional, but I'm not sure how far
we can get in it.

Exit the room via the door on the other side of the room that leads to the
Flight Lounge - it actually goes to the elevator in the Workshop that leads up
to the Flight Lounge.

== Tram Control Hallway ==

Enter the Workshop by moving through the next few hallways.

== Workshop ==

The Workshop is really dark now, so aim with the Plasma Cutter and use Isaac's
flashlight to see. Step onto the elevator and take it up to the hall above.

== Hall to Lift Room ==

Step out of the elevator and move around the corner of the corridor up ahead.
A Slasher will walk to the left. As you walk around the left side after him,
he will begin to crawl into a vent. Don't let him crawl in there. Blast him
while he tries to crawl through or he will try to ambush Isaac further down the
hall. Another Slasher will bust through a vent behind Isaac, so knock down or
defeat the first one quickly then run into the right corridor and turn around
to take them both on.

== Flight Lounge ==

The room will light up eventually and you will receive the --ARRIVED ON BRIDGE-
- database file as Isaac moves toward the next door. Step out of the hallway
and move into the sitting area outside. Be sure to smash the item boxes in
here and the one outside if you haven't already. Open the door to the left.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Arrived On Bridge" database file--

== Hangar Bay ==

If you look fast enough, you'll catch a glimpse of a Stinger moving above the
doorway further ahead. Walk outside then move back in quickly and the Stinger
will drop. Blast his head and arms off as he moves toward Isaac. You can also
shoot him with stasis and then stomp him since he by himself - this can save
you ammo for Stinger battles.

Move out to the shuttle then step inside. Walk over to the main controls and
choose to load the damage report. The diagnostics check will-

Objective Complete:

[X] Return to the Kellion and Run Diagnostics

Why you little... run out of the shuttle and step out onto the walkway! No
matter how fast Isaac runs, an explosion will always blast him out and make him
fall - he can get burned in the shuttle if you stay inside too long though.

Three Slashers and a Stinger will attack from the side of the walkway where
Isaac entered. Fight them off and the --GO TO MEDICAL-- database file will

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Go to Medical" database file--

Objective Added:

[ ] Get to the Medical Deck

The Kellion is completely destroyed. There's no way out of here. If I can
find the Captain's RIG on the Medical Deck, maybe Hammond can figure out
just what the hell happened.

Move to the end of the walkway, toward the Flight Lounge and step back inside
of the Flight Lounge.

== Flight Lounge ==

The door on the left that leads to the Hallway to Tram Station is now unlocked,
so open it.

== Hallway to Tram ==

Two --ITEM CHESTS-- are near the left wall up ahead and be sure to check out
the men's restroom through the right door to find a --LARGE MED PACK-- inside.
Open the door at the other end of the hall and take the elevator down to enter
the Tram Station.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] Item Chest, [ ] Item Chest, [ ] Large Med Pack

== Tram Station ==

The --STORE-- database file will be received as Isaac walks up to the
!!STORE!!. The store can be used to buy, sell or keep items in a safe. Your
inventory is most likely filled by now, so drop off a few items at the safe -
they can be taken back from other stores All of the credits that have been
collected so far can be used to stock up on items from here.

Above all else, be sure to buy the Level 2 suit from the store - this will give
you extra armor protection and three extra inventory slots. The Line Gun would
be another good buy. The Line Gun is much like a super Plasma Cutter that can
cut through multiple limbs very easily.

No matter which version of this game you are playing, if you downloaded the
special suit from the PlayStation store (Obsidian Suit) or the Xbox LIVE
Marketplace (Elite Suit) then you can equip it now for free by selecting it in
the store. This will give you a whopping 25 spaces of inventory! I wouldn't
download it if this if your first playthrough. The two suits really take away
from the survival experience of your first playthrough quite a bit if you ask

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM LIST
[ ] --"Store" database file--

WARNING: Once a special suit mentioned above is purchased, it cannot be removed
if the game is saved afterward. You must keep it on for the rest of the game.
It takes priority over the other suits.

Step onto the tram car when you're ready then interact with the controls
inside. These cars are used to travel in between different portions of the
Ishimura and they are almost always returned to at the end of each chapter.

Objective Complete:

[X] Get to the Medical Deck

C H A P T E R 1 C O M P L E T E

Hier findest du den Rest des Walkthroughs:

mfg Skip
@Kartoffelluder ja ich hänge immer noch in Level 1 deshalb Spiele ich es auch nicht mehr k.A. was ich da machen muss,i-wann machts halt keinen Spass mehr

Drück mal den rechten Stick, dann gibts ne schick dargestellte Wegbeschreibung. Nicht wissen was man machen muss gibts bei Dead Space nicht wirklich :haha:
@ kartoffelluter: versuch mal nur die in der mitte abzuschiessen. die ganz aussen fliegen manchmal vorbei oder machen wenn dann nur 2 Schaden....
hab sogar die trophy nach 4 versuchen bekommen ;) so schwer is das net....

Was findet ihr an der Home Beta so toll? Da kann man ja noch fast nix machen? Also ich fands nach einer Stunde recht öde
ah ok, werd ich nochmal probieren, habs echt ewig probiert, nach ner zeit machts einfach keinen spass mehr.

wo bekomm ich denn diese beta her?

hab gestern meine 200gb eingebaut, jetzt kann das neue yellowdog endlich rauskommen :d
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