[Sammelthread] Project CARS

Ich freu mich am meisten auf die LODs vom BMW, endlich nicht mehr gegen lila Pappschachteln racen müssen ;)

Die Beiträge für den Z4 Livery Contest sind teilweise auch der Wahnsinn:

Livery von Member Speedyx56
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.

1.Kann man ein 24 Std Rennen in Echtzeit im Singelplayer fahren?
2.Gibt es Boxenstops, Safetycar, Flaggenregeln?
3.Umfangreiches Setup des Autos ähnlich GTR2?
4.Wieviel Simulation steckt in diesem Spiel?
5.Kann ich ohne Probleme neu einsteigen und welches Paket ist zu empfehlen?
6.Lan Play mit 2 Teams möglich? Also 4 Leute, 2 Rechner im Netzwerk + Ghostcars (KI)?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1. Keine Ahnung ob das schon geht.
2. Gibt es noch nicht, kommt aber warscheinlich
3.Setups gibt es, aber das ist halt noch nicht Final....
4. pCars wird immer mehr zur Simulation... Echt heftig was sich da in letzter Zeit getan hat
5. Nein, du kannst nicht mehr einsteigen. Musst auf das Release warten (vorraussichtlich Ende 2013... Könnte sich aber noch nach hinten verschieben...)
6. Noch nicht integriert

Edit: Gibt anscheinend wieder Accounts zu kaufen!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
WMD Forum

Note: Worth emphasising the importance of a "fresh start" (new profile, no FFB tweaker active, use default setups) for build 350!

Updates 347-351

Build 351 (16/11/12, Team Member+)
* Added support for password-protected sessions. All application-side code is ready except for GUI (nearly there guys)
* Updated Dedicated Server protocol definitions from latest Java sources
* Sector crossed events for local participants are sent to all nodes in MP
* Participant finished events for local participants areare sent to all nodes in MP
* Disqualified events for local participants will be sent to all nodes in MP
* Disqualified events for non-local participants will not be generated
* Increased protocol version
* Default GSI off as it looks worse after emap fix
* Fixes on dx11 to allow us to be able to correctly lock textures to read cpu side
* Added new routines to hdr to allow us to create the postprocessing texture for memory
* Added controls so that we can generate the postprocessing colour cube based on the weather condition and time of day
* Wisconsin Raceway: New crowds
* Sakitto: New crowds
* Monterey: New crowds
* Eifelwald GP: New crowds
* Bathurst crowds: New crowds
* Badenring crowds: New crowds
* Wisconsin Raceway: Added LOD distances definition for crowds
* Eifelwald GP: Added LOD distances definition for crowds
* Bathurst crowds: Added LOD distances definition for crowds
* Heudsen: New textures
* Azure Circuit: Improved casino textures
* Azure Circuit: Tweaked casino textures
* BMW M1: Alpha 2 animations
* BMW Z4: Alpha 2 animations

Build 350 (16/11/12, Team Member+)

* Fix for emap rendering not using the correct render targets
* Safe decrement of m_numParticles. I think problem was with RemoveParticleBegin/End methods on separate thread and ClearAllParticles called from main thread, but I changed other decrements of m_numParticles too
* Added debug visuals for terrain grip
* New tires for GT and road cars
* Applying some new default setups entries from the competition thread. Alphabetical through Caterham Classic
* Fixed dating issue affecting exe's post-injection not being copied
* Fix for exe modified date not being changed on injection
* Fix for Time Trial empty leaderboards / ghost listing after changing track
* Removed server overrides from Sabre headers, changed the Login call to take a single argument with all relevant connection details. These can now include server overrides specified App-side
* Azure Coast Stage 3: Increased grid size to max of 36
* Azure Coast Stage 2: Increased grid size to max of 32
* Moravia: Added missing Moravia textures
* Azure Coast Stage1: Increased grid size to max of 32
* Azure Coast Reverse: Increased grid size to max of 34
* Azure Coast: Increased grid size to 32. Max of current geometry
* Azure Circuit: Improve textures (higher resolution)
* Azure Circuit: First quick pass of azure circuit trees and bushes instances
* Milan Short: Add new tribunes around the track and fix trees
* Milan GP: Add new tribunes around the track and fix trees
* BMW Z4: Corrected rear tyre diameter
* BMW Z4: Updated graphical offset
* BMW Z4: Added LODX option
* BMW Z4: Added LODA,B,C,D

Build 349 (15/11/12, Senior Manager)

* Added Base::BIDevice.IsPlayingForceEffects()
* Added RaceInput::cVehicleInput.HaveSteeringForcesBeenDestroyed()
* Delay menu force creation until vehicle forces have been destroyed
* ScoreTables used by Seasons now handle ties for points and displays it properly e.g. two drivers with identical highest points will show as 1st, and the next one will be 3rd. Added helper code to display the score table and test the logic
* Azure Circuit: Added latest works from DavidB, JanP, MichalJ,MichalB, fixed some more gaps, some more work around the harbour and rascasse, fixed textures path, deleted some obsolete stuff, fixed flags
* Milan: Fix tree crossection
* Azure Circuit: Tweaked texture maps
* Azure Circuit: Texture improvements
* Azure Circuit: Improved casino textures
* Milan: Add new textures for wood parts for Gs
* Milan: Remove some trees
* Derby: Object intersection fixes
* Eifelwald: Object intersection fixes
* Heusden: Updated ao mapath, first step of monaco fixing. [P4Utils.PerforceEdit v1.0.0.0]
* Lakeville Raceway: Dynamic tyres added to first hairpin
* Racer: fixed wrong livery material

Build 348 (14/11/12, Senior Manager)

* DX11,code to deffer detroying newly created ID3D11Texture2D objects. This is to work around nVidia card issues with releasing newly creates textures when changing thier properties
* Change to dx11 texture code so that we do not have to have to create a second texture which copy to when loading generic textures from file
* Removed unnecessary variable accesses in the setup handler
* Added vehicle setups and related API to online game setup
Ghost System:
* Added more logging about reasons leading to failed compression due to decreasing timestamps
* Increased level needed to log participant teleporting. Cars are teleporting very often in MP races
* Remove audio lib warnings
* Make sure old audio event is cached before change occurs for debug texts
* Adjusted rest and contact offsets of PhysX convex mesh shapes to compensate for inflation by skin width during mesh cooking
* Derby: Added initial sitting crowds
* Derby GP: Re-exported with the flying adverts in 2 areas fixed
* Derby National: Re-exported with the flying adverts in 2 areas fixed
* Derby: Added LOD distances definition for crowds 258598 [Cygnus] Art- crowds - Derby crowds SFB/MFB versions setup (synced with Cygnus)
* Milan: Add nmp map for poles
* Milan: Add more metal parts on alpha txt
* Azure circuit: Tweaked texture maps

Build 347 (13/11/12, Manager+)

* Do not try to upload stats to server until initial profile cleanup is done
* Pass game session info to "game manager state change" callback when the session is fully joined. Copy the information into events that are sent to the Application layers. This allows Sabre+App to log, display and remember session details, then optionally use them later for invitations and so on
* Shader build script modified to prevent warnings for missing shader combinations on consoles
* modified ground transition shader to use anisotropic filtering on the blend mask, to fix noticeable blurring seen on very oblique viewing angles
* dx11 if a texture has a staging version of itself , use this texture when locking and releasing data. A staging version basically means that the texture is setup to be readable from the cpu.
* Added logging for failure cases which could cause a crash
* Fixed missing S32 param type code in DX11 code (GUMPERT Windscreen now working)
* Tyre Force config slider range bug fix (now extends to 200 as intended)
* FFB adjustmentss.
* Only allow one scrape with the same material at a time to match update/stop logic.
* Set sound event group and index when changing audio events. Extend audio logging info.
* Audio memory context and change interface to use handles for assets and load unique audio files per AI participant ready for vehicle slots
* GUI audio changes
* Latest FMOD v4.42.03 VS2010 libs
* FMOD v4.42.03 memory context additions and loading changes to retain filenames when loading from memory (for project/soundbank matching) and name appendices to allow loading multiple instances of the same project (for participant memory slots)
* Zakspeed Capri set CSD
* Zakspeed Capri sound set
* Adding vibration, rattles and exhaust res to second capri set
* Adding Capri2 set
* Integrate music event group changes
* Adding Capri AI. Will need further balancing
* Adding vibration sample
* Adding Capri FDP
* Adding Capri soundset
* Added global just-on activation prevention functionality.
* Added 'Custom Wheel (Low Fidelity)' preset
* Added 'Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Wheel' preset
* Created default SideWinder UI navigation and vehicle control sets
* Added automatic detection and selection of MS SideWinder wheel
* Fixed bug in UI navigation control set for Logitech G25
* Added peek iteration and element overwrite functionality to BOperationQueue/BRingBufferVariable
* Modified eForceOp_SetParameters instruction in _BForceQueuePC_DirectInput to allow overwrites of older but still unprocessed instructions, rather than pushing a new instruction to the queue
* Added basic Microsoft SideWinder FFB wheel support
* Derby National: Re-exported with the kerb fixed which had a fall through issue before
* Heudsen: Tweaked some AO parts
* Derby GP: Re-exported with the kerb fixed which had a fall through issue before
* Azure Circuit: Polished texture maps
* Azure Circuit: Add emmisive map
* Azure Circuit: Polsihing textures
* Lakeville Raceway GP: Lakeville track exported without static tyrestacks in the last curve to be replaced by dynamic ones by Dave
* Eifelwald: Added more graffiti, fixed pop-up armco
* Milan: Add new textures for GrandStands
* Chat window - Prevent any game controls from instantly activating upon entering a line of text in the chat window (e.g. reset car).
* Ford Capri + BMW M1: default livery changed to white (properly)
* Ford Capri + BMW M1: fix for unsynced RCF files
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Bisher spiele ich meist Headset aber für Project Cars spiele ich mit dem Gedanken mir ein 5.1 zu holen, könnt ihr da etwas empfehlen? Habe eine Xonar Phoebus als Karte drin.


Kauf dir lieber gute Kopfhörer und ein Micro. Ein 5.1 headset läuft meist über USB und deine Soka wird arbeitslos und die 5.1 Geräte mit analogen Anschlüssen und 5.1 Treibern taugen nichts. Die Phoebus kann mit Stereo Kopfhörer 5.1 simulieren
Hmm...meiner Meinung nach fährt es sich nach dem neuen Patch nicht wirklich schön...
Es ist weniger Grip vorhanden, was gut ist...aber irgendwie sind die Reaktionen der Fahrzeuge Z4 & Capri komisch.
Wurden die Statistiken eigentlich zurück gesetzt?
1.Kann man ein 24 Std Rennen in Echtzeit im Singelplayer fahren?
2.Gibt es Boxenstops, Safetycar, Flaggenregeln?
3.Umfangreiches Setup des Autos ähnlich GTR2?
4.Wieviel Simulation steckt in diesem Spiel?
5.Kann ich ohne Probleme neu einsteigen und welches Paket ist zu empfehlen?
6.Lan Play mit 2 Teams möglich? Also 4 Leute, 2 Rechner im Netzwerk + Ghostcars (KI)?

1. Theoretisch ja, kannst du. Aktuell kann man Datum, Uhrzeit (hat eine Auswirkung auf Sonnen/ Mondverlauf und Länge des Tages/ der Nacht - basiert auf ein paar astronomischen Berechnungen zu denen mir der Name gerade nicht einfällt - je nach Strecke variiert das auch (Breitengrad wo die Strecke liegt)) und Zeitraffer einstellen (Real also 1x, verschiedene Abstufung wie z.B. 10x, 60x, 240x).
... (rest hatte Steffen ja schon erklärt)
Ich finde das neue Fahrverhalten zwar einen Schritt in die richtige Richtung, aber leider haben viele Autos viel zu viel Untersteuern. Hoffentlich werden die Entwickler das noch ein bisschen anpassen. ;)
sehe ich genauso! Das Untersteuern nervt gewaltig. Genauso das total gutmütige rausbeschleunigen und anbremsen.

Aber ich glaube da wird sich noch viel tun!
ja da muss ich auch zustimmen... also ich hab leider imo nur nen xbox 360 gamepad und manche fahrzeuge zb. der arial atom kann ich gar nicht fahren..selbst auf ner gerade bricht das fahrzeug aus! Aber ich denke auch dass das fahrverhalten jetzt in die richtige richtung geht.
Der BMW M1 geht in die richtige Richtung meiner Meinung nach! Der Rest wie oben beschrieben...vieeel zu viel untersteuern, selbst mit geändertem setup
Also für mich nicht ... will mich ja hardwaretechnisch verbessern :fresse:

Apropos: Wieso machste hier Werbung für Dein Angebot? Ist imo nur im MP erlaubt ;)
Build 355

Build 355 (23/11/12, Team Member+)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix for array out of bounds crash.
* Quick fixes for dialog cleanup
* Close dialogs in key assign screen
* Added 'CloseAllDialogs' to dialog manager
* Do not add dialogs from the add list if they are already set to close
* New GUIDialog and GUIDialogManager system
* Clamp the index of app ID applied to physics participant to prevent participant being spawned with invalid info / id
* Disable dynamic track element updates in track overview (not required currently and in old AI codebase)
* Added missing trackOverview cleanup code from reinstated AI systems
* Added rolling start driver mode fix to old AI system
* Default setup changes and small tire updates based on 350+351 feedback. Affects Ariel Atoms, Asano X4 & LM11, Z4 GT3, Gumpert, Caterham Classic
* Azure Circuit: Added latest works from MJ, refixed tunnel near the rascasse, deleted some objects around the MJ area and added a temp wall along a sec road
* Azure Circuit: Common art/new texture for azure circuit
* Azure Circuit: Added latest works from MJ,DavidB,DavidR. Some more works from my side round the tobac saintdevote, harbour/docks, seabed/sea, materials, textures
* Wisconsin: XML files crowds and trees
* Milan : Add new textures for Bridge01
* Milan: Add some little detail on textures for the toilets
* Heusden: Added new assets
* Heudsen: New texture map, 1st commit
* Moravia: New textures for garage interior
* RCF files and build script updated with "autoskin" naming
* Modified glass shader so that extra wiper layer is optional, this fixes an issue with headlights not lighting up correctly on certain car models due to conflicting UV channel usage
* Fixed shader compile error which occurred when there was rain but no crumple damage
* Added alphatest support to vehicles_basic_translucent.fx runtime shader
* BMW M1 Procar: Cockpit2(alpha) DDS texture. All new texture
* BMW M1 Procar: Cockpit2(alpha) DDS texture. Resaved with correct(DXT5) format
* BMW M1 Procar: Steering wheel PSD textures. All new textures to replace placeholder ones
* BMW M1 Procar: Cockpit DDS texture. All new glow textur
* GUMPERT apollo: Fixed rain windscreen (added wiper flag to material)

Build 354 (22/11/12, Senior Manager)
* Reintegrated previous driver AI system
* Code to set enviroment system project folder
* Code to allow being able to save each condition on its own
* File saved out now save to project specific folder
* Fixed bad naming of medium cloud in UI and removed sunshower as it was an old setup

Build 353 (21/11/12, Senior Manager)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix up for applinks for displaying weather data
* Fix so we can wrap the weather conditions
* Fix for random crash bug due to weather system changes
* Fix crash on using deleted chat list after HUD is closed
* Manually calibrated wheel lock should override automatic range calculation
* Ensure wheel lock is correctly set even for uncalibrated wheels where the wheel range is known
* Re-enable in-game UI centering spring
* Ensure that previous forces have been completely destroyed before creating the new set upon reinitialisation or transition
* BOperationQueue: Added more operation/queue control flags
* Added 'SetEffectsGain' and 'Wait' operations to DirectInput force queue implementation
* Fixed a couple of obscure bugs in DirectInput force effect processing
* Reworked implementation of applying global device gain to avoid driver bugs
* Added exposure of SpringCoefficientScalar to allow spring effect strength to be correctly adjusted when applied to a steering axis of restricted range
* Added a Wrapper class around the weather cycles. This means we do not have to prealocate the memory for the cycles upfront. Also added in code so that tweakit dynamically builds up the conditions used
* New wtc files for the weather system
* Added logging of hurry up timer in MP
* Better logging of arbitration messages
* When the first participant finishes the race, the hurry-up timer starts
* Removed legacy MP code
* Increased protocol version
* Split time isn't displayed on the post-race screen for participants that didn't finish
* Adjusted vehicle-to-vehicle collisions to get more controlled impact on vehicles
* Memphis: Placed sitting 2d crowds at upper stands
* Milan: Increase texture resolution
* Milan Short: Add new export, fixed road shader (include improve concrete pitlane road) , add improved pit garages
* Milan GP: Add new export, fixed road shader (include improve concrete pitlane road) , add improved pit garages
* Milan: Add new textures for SF gantry and lights
* Milan: Add new textures for MarshalHut
* Milan: Update textures for TrackTower
* California Hwy Stage 3: Increase grid size to 36
* California Hwy Stage 2: Increase grid size to 36
* California hwy Reverse: Increased grid size to 32
* California HWY and California Hwy Stage1: Increase grid size to max of 40 both tracks
* Heudsen: New texture map
* BMW M1: texture tweaks
* BMW M1: UV mapping for glass/paint

Build 352 (20/11/12, Manager+)
* Added variable to the global block, holding information about race state (in-race or post-race). This variable is used to control when post-race screen appears
* Added logging about race finished events
* Increased protocol version
* Milan: Add new textures for SFTower
* Milan Short: Inside roads changes, kerbs, other stuff and assets
* Milan GP: Inside roads changes, kerbs, other stuff and assets
* Milan Short: Changed the triggers
* California Highway Stage3: Updated with starting area enhanced csmwise
* California Highway Stage2: Updated with starting area enhanced csmwise
* California Highway Stage1: Updated with starting area enhanced csmwise
* California Highway Stage Reverse: Updated with starting area enhanced csmwise
* California Highway: Updated with starting area enhanced csmwise
* Heudsen: New textures, 1st commit
* Heusden: Added pitbuilding 1/3
* Badenring National: Changed CSM
* Badenring GP: Changed CSM
* BMW Z4 GT3: Updated CPIT files
Gibt es noch irgendeine Möglichkeit sich daran zu beteiligen? Wäre schade wenn nicht
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Haben die auf einmal Geld verloren? Die waren doch mal bei 3,5 Millionen?
Jetzt seh ich sie wieder bei 3,2 Millionen.

SMS hat seinen eigenen Anteil von 2 Mio. halbiert um den bestehenden Crowd-Fundern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihr Toolkit upzugraden.

Kann mir jemand sagen wo ich das Anti Roll Bar verstelle? Das wird in den Setup Tips zu beschrieben, aber ich kann nicht genau ausmachen wo ich da jetzt was umstelle. Project Cars ist das erste Spiel wo ich mich wirklich mit dem Thema auseinandersetze.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Anti-Roll-Bar müsste der Stabilizer (also der Stabi) sein.
Sitze leider gerade nicht vor dem PC.
Das kannst Du auch nicht bei allen Fahrzeugen einstellen, afaik.
Vielen Dank!

Da hätte ich glatt noch eine Frage, in manchem Video habe ich ein Fenster gesehen, dass einem die Rundenzeiten+ Sektoren anzeigt. Wie ruft man dieses auf (also beim Fahren die Sektorenzeiten einsehen).
Es gibt ja leider noch immer das Problem dass nach einer ungültigen Runde keine Sektorenzeiten gezeigt werden. Oder gibt es da auch nen fix für?


Build 357

* Fixed code storing the remote round results from participant finsihed events, which, if combined with large sessions and high latencies, eventually resulted in depletion of the whole array and a crash
* Player participants from disconnected nodes are removed from the race. (Work in progress.)
* Post-race screen will no longer display a zero-time hurry up timer
* Updated collecting of contact points to obtain more exact results for wheel-to-wheel and vehicle-to-vehicle processing
* Updated processing of wheel-to-wheel contacts.
* Cleared leaking textures from dialog manager
* Heusden: Fix for mis-applied test material on grandstand seats
* Milan Short: Add pitwall, update collissions, improve concrete pitlane road texture and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan GP: Add pitwall, update collissions, improve concrete pitlane road texture and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan: Update textures
* Milan: Add new textures (pitwall)
* New dynamic brake markers for US tracks
* Eifelwald GP: Scene updates (statics and lights placed)
* Wisconsin Raceway: Textures for the build
* Blimp: Removed said logo

Build 356 (26/11/12, Senior Manager)
* Removed excess carriage return from logging calls to improve log file formatting
* Added basic keyboard shortcut implementation for zoom to selection
* Derby: New Dynamic Advert Panels + fix for Thrustmaster panel - Export files and.xml scene files, .dds textures, .mtx material files, .vhf .xml .meb _dep.xml

das mit der Lap Cycle Info wird mir angezeigt, aber er zeigt nur die Gesamtrundenzeit an und nicht die einzelnen Sektoren. Muss ich da was anderes für einschalten?

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