* Fixed code storing the remote round results from participant finsihed events, which, if combined with large sessions and high latencies, eventually resulted in depletion of the whole array and a crash
* Player participants from disconnected nodes are removed from the race. (Work in progress.)
* Post-race screen will no longer display a zero-time hurry up timer
* Updated collecting of contact points to obtain more exact results for wheel-to-wheel and vehicle-to-vehicle processing
* Updated processing of wheel-to-wheel contacts.
* Cleared leaking textures from dialog manager
* Heusden: Fix for mis-applied test material on grandstand seats
* Milan Short: Add pitwall, update collissions, improve concrete pitlane road texture and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan GP: Add pitwall, update collissions, improve concrete pitlane road texture and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan: Update textures
* Milan: Add new textures (pitwall)
* New dynamic brake markers for US tracks
* Eifelwald GP: Scene updates (statics and lights placed)
* Wisconsin Raceway: Textures for the build
* Blimp: Removed said logo
Build 356 (26/11/12, Senior Manager)
* Removed excess carriage return from logging calls to improve log file formatting
* Added basic keyboard shortcut implementation for zoom to selection
* Derby: New Dynamic Advert Panels + fix for Thrustmaster panel - Export files and.xml scene files, .dds textures, .mtx material files, .vhf .xml .meb _dep.xml