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Please remind me what were the best weeks of fx-57 cabce?
Someone had one for sale…

edit: I was looking but could not find it, it should be in here somewhere is it not?
edit2: it is cabce 0538gpmw
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According to the San Diego Thread, the FX-57 from Destroyer ran pretty nice and was a CABNE:

FX-57 San Diego E4

CABNE * 0528 GPMW 1287161G50055 * 254 MHz @ -65°C * -De$troyeR-

I had a CABCE 0516 WMPW FX-55 in 2013 which was quite good, but I don't know if CABCE was in fact the best (and if that would transfer 1:1 to the FX-57).
But I bought an FX-55 with the exact same batch this week ... so we'll see if it can keep up with my results from 2013.
Stunned talked about cabce as being the best years ago.

Edit: it is fx week then because I also bought a Clawhammer fx-55 this week. I don’t usually buy Clawhammer fx, but I wanted to take a chance on this one. It is a 2005 week 12 version.
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Allgemein 0516 WPMW war DAS ! Stepping für alle FX-55 und FX-57. Minimale Verschiedenheiten, aber eine sehr hohe Chance auf 3,5 GHz bei SubZero.
Thanks. I will be running my 4000+ kabye on my Single Stage this weekend. It did 3.1 on water so le’s see what it can do.
So far A64 4000+ on cold benching is fun to do…

Die Spannungangabe passt nicht. Scheint ohne größeren Cold Bug zu sein. Top Ergebnis !

I needed 1.76v for the last run.
I could already do 3886MHz or so with 1.71v

edit: this chip will see ln2 some day.
Bin grad auch ein bisschen am 4000+ testen, hab nen 0626FPMW im board, das ding musst ich delidden dass es überhaupt bootet >100°C in BIOS laut DFI davor, ASUS immer emergency shutdown, kann es sein dass die Paste auf vielen 939ern mit der Zeit extrem degraded ist? Weil das würd irgendwie mein Pech mit den letzten paar chips erklären :d
I would not think the thermal paste is bad between the chip and the ihs. I delided one not that long ago and I can not remember it being not Ok.
That being sad, I sure hope it is bad because my own chip would probably run faster then…
I have 5 4000+ cpu’s by the way.
wPrime nicht unter XP, sondern Windows 7. Da würde deine Zeit deutlich besser darstehen.
wPrime nicht unter XP, sondern Windows 7. Da würde deine Zeit deutlich besser darstehen.
Ok I was wondering if that was it. I did not have Win7 on a disk ready to use. I will test this then.
It probably did not help that my Start menu was defective as well... (it did not open).
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I was wondering if anybody has the acpi driver for dfi nf4 lp dr expert (win7 64b)?
Or point me to it please.
You might want to ask @Tzk , he has a pretty comprehensive archive of drivers / bios files, but I didn't find the specific acpi drivers on biosbude.de .

Hab gerade meinen FX-55 (CABCE 0516WPMW) etwas angetestet, die 3GHz macht er unter Luft, aber er will auf jeden Fall mehr Spannung als mein 4000+ KAB1E 0626FPMW.
Die 3100MHz hab ich auch noch nicht gebootet bekommen. Mein altes 3150MHz 32M Ergebnis mit gleichem Stepping war allerdings auch bei 1.63V und Chiller...
Wenn die Wasserkühlung steht, teste ich auch mal in die 1.5V Region, aber ich denke mal die CPU bekommt dann irgendwann Trockeneis.

Sadly i do not have any NF4 Win7 drivers on my disk and even nvidia.com doesn't have these. I guess they usually ship with Win7 via Windows Update? Else, have you tried installing the 15.23 Win Vista x64 drivers on 7 x64? Sometimes that works.

Have you tried these?

ACPI should be chipset dependent, not vendor. So yes, i'd just try the Asus drivers. Are you looking for AHCI (RAID) or ACPI (energy management) drivers? Also Asus doesn't have drivers for win7 either.
You might want to ask @Tzk , he has a pretty comprehensive archive of drivers / bios files, but I didn't find the specific acpi drivers on biosbude.de .

Hab gerade meinen FX-55 (CABCE 0516WPMW) etwas angetestet, die 3GHz macht er unter Luft, aber er will auf jeden Fall mehr Spannung als mein 4000+ KAB1E 0626FPMW.
Die 3100MHz hab ich auch noch nicht gebootet bekommen. Mein altes 3150MHz 32M Ergebnis mit gleichem Stepping war allerdings auch bei 1.63V und Chiller...
Wenn die Wasserkühlung steht, teste ich auch mal in die 1.5V Region, aber ich denke mal die CPU bekommt dann irgendwann Trockeneis.

KAB1E 0626FPMW war aber auch ein Sahnestepping :d
I will make sure to raise the bar a little further… Next moth I will have my dewar.
I noticed I have 6 4000+ cpu’s. I forgot to write down results for my weakest 4000+. It did 3GHz @1.475v (I did write it on the IHS).
Well, with LN2 I can't compete, Dice is the best I can do atm.

I have five or six 4000+ as well, but "only" two are 0626FPMW and one KABYE 0538GPMW which I figured might be worth the shot.
So we'll see if I can at least keep up on air/water and maybe dice :d
That KABYE 0538 could be interesting.
I have never run with dry ice before actually. Who knows some day I will.
5 of 6 4000+ do 3.1GHz on air. So there might be more which can pass 3.5 on cold.
Well, if you have access to LN2 and a strong SS, there's probably no need for Dice :d .

I have to fix some of the KABYEs pins though, came without any further packaging in an air cushion envelope, so some of them are bent ...

Just quickly tested my other two FX-55 and neither of them seems to come close to the CABCE. At 1.44V I get roughly 2.7GHz 32M on air.
Albeit with higher HT and memory clock than the 3GHz on the CABCE from sunday (270 * 10, memory at 2.5-3-3-7).
Steppings are CABGE 0518TPMW and CABNE 0524TPMW
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