Mechkilla ich hab mal deiesen thread gründlich gelesen
Tony sagt:
1) Now im NOT going to say no one will have an issue and see a stutter, i see stutters on
my workstation which uses Raptors when im pushing the drive really hard...i will say for normal everyday use this is a really good option. => naja Computer in den Mülleimer
2) no there is no cache on the raid controller. => na fein ..
3) you guys need to get away from needing 5 gazzilion IO/s 4k random writes, you don't need that to have a good experience...Im trying to find just what you DO need to have stutter free untweaked and tweaked.
Going by what i feel this drive is performing like its not that many..maybe just 1 gazzilion.. => oder vielleicht 0.1 gazillion
4) Use steadystate to remove hangs/freeze => pfff
5) Overall we are taking a chance revisiting the JM602 controller, but we are doing it with a twist. We know anandtech will put it thru IOmeter and pronounce is crap...thing is i do NOT trust that bench or care what the review will say as you can have a good experience with a product even though the numbers from the bench say you can not. => OK hat nix mit der Vertex sondern Apex zu tun aber ich glaube eher einem Benchmark oder einem Review Site als einem Hersteller.
5) Times are hard, the economy is getting worse, I need to sell drives, that is blatantly obvious...people have less expendable cash now hence you have to rethink your products. => solides Argument um schlechte Sachen zu verkaufen
... zuviel feeling und zu wenig Fakten
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