Soo !!
finale infos sind da. daran ist leider nichts mehr zu rütteln!!
infos sind von heute frisch aus taiwan:
die endgültigen antworten sind in
add a)
> there are many customers out on the net having this problem.
> i`ve got the same answer in ocss system from msi support. please read
> this:
> response in ocss:
> The cpu fan is working continuously,it can keep the noise voice
> loudly.When the laptop runs a program or not,the fan will work continuously at a low
> speed first. But if a laptop runs a high program,the fan will work at a
> high speed.This design can prevent the noise voice that would be comming out
> suddenly.If not the voice which is from fan would be heard loudly.So it is
> normal.
> I suggest you get your laptop on a cooling blanket.Keeping the ambient
> temperature lower,and then you may find the cpu fan will not work continually
> and make less noise.
> my response to that:
> no, no ,no!!
> again, i know much about pc hardware and software.
> i`m in it-business since over 10 years now and also worked long time as it
> product specialist in an it distribution office. so you can trust me.
> the fan is always spinning!
> if there is high cpu load which generates much heat it spins high. (as it
> should do
> if there is no cpu load > (cpu load only between 1-2%) the fan is always
> spinning. (it is spinning slow.)
> but it never shuts off! i`ve testet it with coolingpad and also i`ve put
> the notebook in the fridge for 10min!!
> the fan never shuts off!
> please test this yourself with one pr200, and you will see that the fan
> never stops.
> there was the same with s260 & s270 and there was a bios patch form msi.
> so finally the solution is that msi provides an embedded controller update
> in the next pr200 biosrelease.
> As written in the issue list, there are also many pr200 customers on the
> internet which are waiting for this solution!
> response from msi support in ocss:
> About the fan,our PR200 is always spin too.It never stops.This is because
> of MSI design and research.
> Best Regards,
> MSI Notebook Technical Support
> my response:
> please always test & confirm what you write to me.
> regarding the fan, in first you wrote me that it will stop. now you wrote
> me it doesn`t stop...
> but anyway the "problem" is as written two times now. the fan spins all
> the time so it makes noise, so while writing text (nb is idle) it makes
> noise, which is not so fine if you are in a low sound environment.
> additional to that, there was the same stuff with s260 and s270. there was
> an msi bios update which updated the embedded controller via bios update.
> there are really many (yes many) people out there which are waiting for
> this to be fixed with an biosupdate. (i`m not joking here.)
> and also the fan will live much longer when it doesn`t always spin.
> additional to that, the battery would also stay longer if running on
> battery.
> and there are also many people out there which asked on the net if the fan
> always spin because they wanna buy pr200 only if the fan does shut-off
> when in idle. (yes also here > i`m not joking)
> people want quite notebooks when they are in idle.
> so please check how to update the embedded controller as it was done with
> s260&s270.
> this would also bring you some more additional pr200 customers for sure!
> ############
> my cpu temp in idle without cooling pad is > cpu 53°, core1: 46°,
> core2: 46° (roomtemp 26°)
> cpu temp in idle with cooling pad is > cpu 49°, core1: 42°, core2: 42°
> (roomtemp 26°)
> cpu temp in idle > cpu 44°, core1: 41°, core2: 39° (roomtemp 18°)
> cpu fan never turned off!!
I checked the design spec and found your CPU temp is normal.
> Moreover, I don’t think there is any notebook’s CPU fan would stop in
> idle mode. It just runs at low speed.
> If we turn off the fan, the system will get hotter and hotter and cannot
> fix the CPU temp in idle mode.
> Btw, it is unfair to compare with S260 and S270. They have different
> mechanical architecture, CPU TDP… (I was using a S262 before, and the noise is
> bigger than P200)
> Also, I know the story of those notebooks and the situation is totally
> different.
regarding the fan. i don`t mean to turn off the fan completely but to change the value where it turns on. eg until 50° no fan and if the cpu temp is 51 > turn on the fan. (there are many nbs out there which stop fan if it drops below a given value.) pr200 fan definitely does not stop. (as written i the last mails, many pr200 users wan`t this really bad.)
thanks for the info regarding s260 and s270, i only mean that pr200 should work like them regarding the cpu fan.
The fan runs at 40% speed when the temp is less than 54℃ but we cannot let CPU fan run slower than 40% or we will get some thermal problems.
If we turn off the fan when the temp is lower than 54℃, we might get the problem like you said. Even we lower the fan speed, we might get lots of feedback about the notebook is too hot....
Each NB should have it fan table to control the fan speed.
Different range of temp has its own fan speed.
For example,
Temp (℃) Fan Speed
Under 54 >> 40%
54 - 59 >> 45%
59 - 64 >> 50%
so you mean, if you`ll set the value to eg. turn off fan when temp is lower than 54°, then the temp will increase verry fast and the fan will always turn off (cpu gets hot very fast) and on (cpu fan will drop the temp below 54) in a to short timeframe as it makes no sense for you to do this change?
If we turn off the fan when the temp is lower than 54℃, we might get the problem like you said. Even we lower the fan speed, we might get lots of feedback about the notebook is too hot....
Each NB should have it fan table to control the fan speed.
Different range of temp has its own fan speed.
For example,
Temp (℃) Fan Speed
Under 54 >> 40%
54 - 59 >> 45%
59 - 64 >> 50%
Also leute ich hab echt alles versucht!! Deutschland, England, Niederlande, OCSS Taiwan, direkter mail Support Taiwan (über connection aus den Niederlanden)
Resultat: der Deutsche ist für a..., der Englische nicht zuständig, der Niederländische zwar nett verspricht viel aber passiert nicht viel, OCSS kostet viel Zeit + bringt aber nix weil die Typen entweder garnicht oder nur nach massivem Aufstand reagieren und auch dann nur 1-2 Replys und dann nichts mehr bis man es wieder scheppern lässt.
die antworten oben kommen aus der richtigen abteilung in taiwan
sorry leute, mehr ging einfach nicht!!
aber besser konstanter fan als dauernd ein / aus. das war auch der grund warum ich extra seine meinung angefordert habe.
noch eine info
bzgl. dem verhalten des wlan/bluetooth schalters.
in vista öffnet sich ein kleines fenster wo man wählen kann was aktiv / inaktiv sein soll.
unter xp gibts das nicht. da gibts nur > wenn wlan aktiv und bluetooth soll aktiviert werden > bluetooth killt dann mal das wlan.
antwort dazu aus taiwan:
I didn’t say it is BIOS related.
We add this function when PR200 runs under Vista.
Frankly speaking, it is our specification. To have this function, it needs
the collocation of Vista BIOS.
somit: ich hab den mal gebeten die funktion mit dem kleinen gui auch für win zu implementieren damit man wlan unabhängig vom bluetooh verwenden kann ohne das bluetooth das laufende wlan killt und man dann wenn bluetooth aktiv ist wieder die wlan connection aufmachen muss das beides funzt.
ich werd da drann bleiben aber is mir momentan nicht so wichtig da ich bluetooth so gut wie nie verwende.
greets @ all chris