Uxtheme und TCP Patch sind auch schon verfügbar ...
Also ich bin sehr zufrieden. Surfe zur zeit mit einer Firefox x64 Version, läuft soweit ganz geil.
Farcry sieht absolut geil aus im 64er modus!
So "slipstreamt" man das deutsche MUI
Unatt. Befehl: "\mui\MUISETUP.exe /i0407 /d0407 /r /t"
Das MUI muss dann im $OEMicrosoft Ordner liegen.
Komplette Readme:
The following steps explain how to install the Windows Multilingual User Interface Pack, x64 Edition, in unattended mode. See MUISETUP.HLP for a complete description of all the command-line parameters for MUISETUP.EXE, located in Related Topics.
To install Windows Multilingual User Interface Pack, x64 Edition, using unattended mode
In this example, the server is \\MUICORE. The folder for the CD contents is \\MUICORE\UNATTEND\$OEMicrosoft\MUIINST.
1. Copy all the files from the CDs to a temporary folder on a network
share, such as $OEMicrosoft\MUIINST.
2. Create a CMDLINES.TXT file in \\muicore\UNATTEND\$OEMicrosoft. Include the following lines:
"muiinst\muisetup.exe [/i LangID1 LangID2 ...] [/d LangID] /r /t"
3. Create an answer file named MUI.TXT.
a. Add the following entries in the [Unattended] section. OemFilesPath must point to a network share or drive containing the MUI installation source files stored in the above directory structure. The Windows install sources can be stored elsewhere, such as on CD or a network share.
b. Add a [RegionalSettings] section to specify Language Groups and locales to be installed. Use the appropriate Language Group IDs and Locale IDs (LCIDs) to ensure that the Language Groups you install cover BOTH locale settings and user interface languages.
The answer file may also include other unattended setup options.
4. Run WINNT32.3XE with the appropriate options to use the answer file. If you
need to install East Asian language and locale support, you must specify
/copysource:lang or /rx:lang to copy the necessary language files. If you do not, and the [RegionalSettings] section of your answer file contains East Asian values, Setup will ignore everything in the [RegionalSettings] section.
For WINNT32.EXE, the appropriate syntax is as follows:
winnt32.exe /unattend:"path to answer file" /copysource:lang /s:"path to install
Hier noch ein paar Links:
PS: *juchu* der Xerox Ordner ist weg
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