[Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

Traurigerweise ist das Strix derzeit mein bestes Board für Mem OC. :fresse: Aber das wird sich auch irgendwann ändern. Bin ja auf der Suche. ;)
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
hab bei mir Board, CPU und RAM neu gemacht. Habe 8000er G-Skill die ich nur mit 7800 zum laufen bringe. Habe aber nur ein wenig die Timings verändert, noch keine Änderungen an der Stromversorgung.
BIOS Update ist neu vom Jan/2024. Mir kommt aber die Latenz zu hoch vor. Wer helfen kann/möchte, bitte nur deutsch und keine endlosen Grafiken oder ähnliches, die wohl nur der Thraed Schreiber selbst versteht.
wie bekomme ich die 8000 zum laufen und wie die Latenz besser, sind meine Fragen.
Danke schon mal.


  • 7800 -2.png
    7800 -2.png
    221,9 KB · Aufrufe: 103
Hi @tibcsi0407, how are you? I couln't change my nickname here, I'm lmfodor@OCN.
You had sent me a BIOS config file with 8400, but the curve was not defined at that time. Now I see how you get to 6200MHZ, with 60x2 and TVB +2. Have you set the curve with or without IA_AC/DC?
Hello, I saw your previous posts. Good to see you here too. :)
I have IA_AC set to 0.60 and working from there. SVID behaviour is set to trained.
The truth is I'm lost, the only progress was achieving a good delta with RTT and RON in Auto, as I had asked you about a while ago on OCN. I thought that the BIOS couldn't train a large delta without defining a RON and RTTs. I used to use RON 40-40 or 40-34/34-40 that Veii had suggested to me, and RTT 40-34-34-34-240-0-0-60-40-40 40-40. I think I'm going to put together a spreadsheet with the values for each scenario, to see where I'm going wrong. What I could do would be to load the XMP profile I, and try to optimize the CPU. It would be 8000 at 1.45V
It is strange, for me 48-40-40-48 RON works the best so far with huge delta, maybe you saw the post about my latest profile. Maybe you should try that too. The RTT's on auto for the moment.
About your curve, I didn't understand the double S, I see that the first graph looks pretty good, with a 45 degree angle between 3400 and ~5200. Then in the second graph I see that double S, why should it have that shape?
@Veii suggested it, I believe it is for better transients. Lower points are also very important even tough you don't see them in Hwinfo.
Here I found your old BIOS configuration, from what I see in your HWInfo screenshot you achieve 6200 but a max effective clock of 5701, do you still use this configuration or did you upload 8x58 as you told me?
I also found that you had TVB Voltage optimization disabled. Should I disable them?
Let me share the latest config with you soon. Just need to reboot to BIOS and I will upload it.

[2024/02/21 13:03:18]
Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
PCIE Frequency [100.0000]
Intel(R) Adaptive Boost Technology [Auto]
ASUS MultiCore Enhancement [Auto – Lets BIOS Optimize]
SVID Behavior [Trained]
BCLK Frequency : DRAM Frequency Ratio [Auto]
Memory Controller : DRAM Frequency Ratio [1:2]
DRAM Frequency [DDR5-8533MHz]
DIMM Flex [Disabled]
Performance Core Ratio [By Core Usage]
1-Core Ratio Limit [60]
2-Core Ratio Limit [60]
3-Core Ratio Limit [59]
4-Core Ratio Limit [59]
5-Core Ratio Limit [58]
6-Core Ratio Limit [58]
7-Core Ratio Limit [58]
8-Core Ratio Limit [57]
Performance Core0 Specific Ratio Limit [59]
Performance Core0 specific Voltage [Auto]
Performance Core1 Specific Ratio Limit [59]
Performance Core1 specific Voltage [Auto]
Performance Core2 Specific Ratio Limit [58]
Performance Core2 specific Voltage [Auto]
Performance Core3 Specific Ratio Limit [58]
Performance Core3 specific Voltage [Auto]
*Performance Core4 Specific Ratio Limit [60]
Performance Core4 specific Voltage [Auto]
*Performance Core5 Specific Ratio Limit [60]
Performance Core5 specific Voltage [Auto]
Performance Core6 Specific Ratio Limit [57]
Performance Core6 specific Voltage [Auto]
Performance Core7 Specific Ratio Limit [58]
Performance Core7 specific Voltage [Auto]
Efficient Core Ratio [By Core Usage]
Efficient Turbo Ratio Limit 1 [46]
Efficient Turbo Ratio Cores 1 [8]
Efficient Turbo Ratio Limit 2 [45]
Efficient Turbo Ratio Cores 2 [16]
Efficient Core Group0 Specific Ratio Limit [46]
Efficient Core Group0 specific Voltage [Adaptive Mode]
-Offset Mode Sign [+]
-Additional Turbo Mode Efficient Group0 Voltage [0.25000]
-Efficient Core Group0 Offset [Auto]
Efficient Core Group1 Specific Ratio Limit [46]
Efficient Core Group1 specific Voltage [Adaptive Mode]
-Offset Mode Sign [+]
-Additional Turbo Mode Efficient Group1 Voltage [Auto]
-Efficient Core Group1 Offset [0.01000]
Efficient Core Group2 Specific Ratio Limit [45]
Efficient Core Group2 specific Voltage [Auto]
Efficient Core Group3 Specific Ratio Limit [45]
Efficient Core Group3 specific Voltage [Auto]
AVX2 [Auto]
AVX2 Ratio Offset to per-core Ratio Limit [Auto]
AVX2 Voltage Guardband Scale Factor [Auto]
Maximus Tweak [Mode 2]
DRAM CAS# Latency [36]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay Read [49]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay Write [24]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [49]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [65]
DRAM Command Rate [Auto]
DRAM RAS# to RAS# Delay L [12]
DRAM RAS# to RAS# Delay S [8]
DRAM REF Cycle Time 2 [672]
DRAM REF Cycle Time Same Bank [608]
DRAM Refresh Interval [262143]
DRAM WRITE Recovery Time [24]
DRAM READ to PRE Time [12]
DRAM WRITE to READ Delay L [24]
DRAM WRITE to READ Delay S [8]
DRAM CKE Minimum Pulse Width [21]
DRAM Write Latency [34]
Ctl0 dqvrefup [Auto]
Ctl0 dqvrefdn [Auto]
Ctl0 dqodtvrefup [Auto]
Ctl0 dqodtvrefdn [Auto]
Ctl1 cmdvrefup [Auto]
Ctl1 ctlvrefup [Auto]
Ctl1 clkvrefup [Auto]
Ctl1 ckecsvrefup [Auto]
Ctl2 cmdvrefdn [Auto]
Ctl2 ctlvrefdn [Auto]
Ctl2 clkvrefdn [Auto]
Read Equalization RxEq Start Sign [-]
Read Equalization RxEq Start [Auto]
Read Equalization RxEq Stop Sign [-]
Read Equalization RxEq Stop [Auto]
DQ RTT WR [Auto]
GroupA CA ODT [Auto]
GroupA CS ODT [Auto]
GroupA CK ODT [Auto]
GroupB CA ODT [Auto]
GroupB CS ODT [Auto]
GroupB CK ODT [Auto]
Pull-up Output Driver Impedance [48 DRAM Clock]
Pull-Down Output Driver Impedance [40 DRAM Clock]
DQ RTT WR [Auto]
GroupA CA ODT [Auto]
GroupA CS ODT [Auto]
GroupA CK ODT [Auto]
GroupB CA ODT [Auto]
GroupB CS ODT [Auto]
GroupB CK ODT [Auto]
Pull-up Output Driver Impedance [40 DRAM Clock]
Pull-Down Output Driver Impedance [48 DRAM Clock]
Round Trip Latency Init Value MC0 CHA [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Max Value MC0 CHA [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value Mode Sign MC0 CHA [-]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value MC0 CHA [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Init Value MC0 CHB [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Max Value MC0 CHB [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value Mode Sign MC0 CHB [-]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value MC0 CHB [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Init Value MC1 CHA [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Max Value MC1 CHA [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value Mode Sign MC1 CHA [-]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value MC1 CHA [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Init Value MC1 CHB [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Max Value MC1 CHB [Auto]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value Mode Sign MC1 CHB [-]
Round Trip Latency Offset Value MC1 CHB [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R0 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R1 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R2 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R3 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R4 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R5 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R6 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHA R7 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R0 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R1 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R2 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R3 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R4 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R5 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R6 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC0 CHB R7 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R0 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R1 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R2 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R3 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R4 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R5 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R6 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHA R7 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R0 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R1 [Auto]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R2 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R3 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R4 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R5 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R6 [0]
Round Trip Latency MC1 CHB R7 [0]
Early Command Training [Auto]
SenseAmp Offset Training [Auto]
Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D [Auto]
Read MPR Training [Auto]
Receive Enable Training [Auto]
Jedec Write Leveling [Auto]
Early Write Time Centering 2D [Auto]
Early Read Time Centering 2D [Auto]
Write Timing Centering 1D [Auto]
Write Voltage Centering 1D [Auto]
Read Timing Centering 1D [Auto]
Read Timing Centering with JR [Auto]
Dimm ODT Training* [Auto]
Max RTT_WR [ODT Off]
DIMM RON Training* [Disabled]
Write Drive Strength/Equalization 2D* [Auto]
Write Slew Rate Training* [Auto]
Read ODT Training* [Auto]
Comp Optimization Training [Auto]
Read Equalization Training* [Auto]
Read Amplifier Training* [Auto]
Write Timing Centering 2D [Auto]
Read Timing Centering 2D [Auto]
Command Voltage Centering [Auto]
Early Command Voltage Centering [Auto]
Write Voltage Centering 2D [Auto]
Read Voltage Centering 2D [Auto]
Late Command Training [Auto]
Round Trip Latency [Auto]
Turn Around Timing Training [Auto]
CMD CTL CLK Slew Rate [Auto]
CMD/CTL DS & E 2D [Auto]
Read Voltage Centering 1D [Auto]
TxDqTCO Comp Training* [Auto]
ClkTCO Comp Training* [Auto]
TxDqsTCO Comp Training* [Auto]
VccDLL Bypass Training [Auto]
CMD/CTL Drive Strength Up/Dn 2D [Auto]
DIMM CA ODT Training [Auto]
PanicVttDnLp Training* [Auto]
Read Vref Decap Training* [Auto]
Vddq Training [Disabled]
Duty Cycle Correction Training [Auto]
Periodic DCC [Auto]
Rank Margin Tool Per Bit [Auto]
DIMM DFE Training [Auto]
EARLY DIMM DFE Training [Auto]
Tx Dqs Dcc Training [Auto]
DRAM DCA Training [Auto]
Write Driver Strength Training [Auto]
Rank Margin Tool [Auto]
Memory Test [Auto]
DIMM SPD Alias Test [Auto]
Receive Enable Centering 1D [Auto]
Retrain Margin Check [Auto]
Write Drive Strength Up/Dn independently [Auto]
LPDDR DqDqs Re-Training [Auto]
Margin Check Limit [Disabled]
tRDRD_sg_Training [Auto]
tRDRD_sg_Runtime [Auto]
tRDRD_dg_Training [Auto]
tRDRD_dg_Runtime [Auto]
tRDWR_sg [Auto]
tRDWR_dg [Auto]
tWRWR_sg [Auto]
tWRWR_dg [Auto]
tWRRD_sg [Auto]
tWRRD_dg [Auto]
tRDRD_dr [0]
tRDRD_dd [0]
tRDWR_dr [0]
tRDWR_dd [0]
tWRWR_dr [0]
tWRWR_dd [0]
tWRRD_dr [0]
tWRRD_dd [0]
tRPRE [Auto]
tWPRE [Auto]
tWPOST [Auto]
tWRPRE [Auto]
tRDPDEN [45]
tWRPDEN [Auto]
tCPDED [21]
tREFIX9 [Auto]
Ref Interval [Auto]
tXPDLL [Auto]
tXP [32]
tPPD [2]
tCCD_L_tDLLK [Auto]
tZQCAL [Auto]
tZQCS [Auto]
OREF_RI [Auto]
Refresh Watermarks [High]
Refresh Hp Wm [Auto]
Refresh Panic Wm [Auto]
Refresh Abr Release [Auto]
tXSDLL [Auto]
tZQOPER [Auto]
tMOD [Auto]
CounttREFIWhileRefEn [Auto]
HPRefOnMRS [Auto]
SRX Ref Debits [Auto]
Ref Stagger En [Auto]
Ref Stagger Mode [Auto]
Disable Stolen Refresh [Auto]
En Ref Type Display [Auto]
Trefipulse Stagger Disable [Auto]
tRPab ext [Auto]
derating ext [Auto]
Allow 2cyc B2B LPDDR [Auto]
tCSH [Auto]
tCSL [Auto]
powerdown Enable [Auto]
idle length [Auto]
raise cke after exit latency [Auto]
powerdown latency [Auto]
powerdown length [Auto]
selfrefresh latency [Auto]
selfrefresh length [Auto]
ckevalid length [Auto]
ckevalid enable [Auto]
idle enable [Auto]
selfrefresh enable [Auto]
Address mirror [Auto]
no gear4 param divide [Auto]
x8 device [Auto]
no gear2 param divide [Auto]
ddr 1dpc split ranks on subch [Auto]
write0 enable [Auto]
MultiCycCmd [Auto]
WCKDiffLowInIdle [Auto]
PBR Disable [Auto]
PBR OOO Dis [Auto]
PBR Disable on hot [Auto]
PBR Exit on Idle Cnt [Auto]
tXSR [714]
Dec tCWL [Auto]
Add tCWL [Auto]
Add 1Qclk delay [Auto]
MRC Fast Boot [Enabled]
MCH Full Check [Enabled]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
Training Profile [Auto]
RxDfe [Disabled]
Mrc Training Loop Count [Auto]
DRAM CLK Period [Auto]
Dll_bwsel [Auto]
Controller 0, Channel 0 Control [Enabled]
Controller 0, Channel 1 Control [Enabled]
Controller 1, Channel 0 Control [Enabled]
Controller 1, Channel 1 Control [Enabled]
MC_Vref0 [Auto]
MC_Vref1 [Auto]
MC_Vref2 [Auto]
Fine Granularity Refresh mode [Auto]
SDRAM Density Per Die [Auto]
SDRAM Banks Per Bank Group [Auto]
SDRAM Bank Groups [Auto]
Dynamic Memory Boost [Disabled]
Realtime Memory Frequency [Disabled]
SA GV [Disabled]
Voltage Monitor [Die Sense]
VRM Initialization Check [Enabled]
CPU Input Voltage Load-line Calibration [Level 3]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 4:Recommended for OC]
Synch ACDC Loadline with VRM Loadline [Disabled]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU Current Reporting [Auto]
Core Voltage Suspension [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled]
CPU Power Duty Control [Extreme]
CPU Power Phase Control [Optimized]
CPU Power Thermal Control [125]
CPU Core/Cache Boot Voltage [Auto]
CPU Input Boot Voltage [Auto]
PLL Termination Boot Voltage [Auto]
CPU Standby Boot Voltage [Auto]
Memory Controller Boot Voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Auto Voltage Cap [Auto]
CPU Input Auto Voltage Cap [Auto]
Memory Controller Auto Voltage Cap [Auto]
Maximum CPU Core Temperature [Auto]
Fast Throttle Threshold [Auto]
Package Temperature Threshold [Auto]
Regulate Frequency by above Threshold [Auto]
IVR Transmitter VDDQ ICCMAX [Auto]
Unlimited ICCMAX [Enabled]
CPU Core/Cache Current Limit Max. [Auto]
Long Duration Package Power Limit [Auto]
Package Power Time Window [Auto]
Short Duration Package Power Limit [Auto]
Dual Tau Boost [Disabled]
IA AC Load Line [0.60]
IA DC Load Line [Auto]
IA CEP Enable [Disabled]
SA CEP Enable [Disabled]
IA SoC Iccmax Reactive Protector [Disabled]
Inverse Temperature Dependency Throttle [Auto]
IA VR Voltage Limit [1650]
CPU SVID Support [Auto]
Cache Dynamic OC Switcher [Auto]
TVB Voltage Optimizations [Disabled]
Enhanced TVB [Disabled]
Overclocking TVB [+2Boost Profile]
Overclocking TVB Global Temperature Offset Sign [+]
Overclocking TVB Global Temperature Offset Value [Auto]
Offset Mode Sign 1 [-]
V/F Point 1 Offset [0.01000]
Offset Mode Sign 2 [-]
V/F Point 2 Offset [0.00900]
Offset Mode Sign 3 [+]
V/F Point 3 Offset [0.00100]
Offset Mode Sign 4 [-]
V/F Point 4 Offset [0.02400]
Offset Mode Sign 5 [+]
V/F Point 5 Offset [0.02900]
Offset Mode Sign 6 [-]
V/F Point 6 Offset [0.04000]
Offset Mode Sign 7 [-]
V/F Point 7 Offset [0.12000]
Offset Mode Sign 8 [-]
V/F Point 8 Offset [0.12000]
Offset Mode Sign 9 [-]
V/F Point 9 Offset [0.11000]
Offset Mode Sign 10 [-]
V/F Point 10 Offset [0.11000]
Offset Mode Sign 11 [+]
V/F Point 11 Offset [0.02000]
Initial BCLK Frequency [Auto]
Runtime BCLK OC [Auto]
BCLK Amplitude [Auto]
BCLK Slew Rate [Auto]
BCLK Spread Spectrum [Auto]
Initial PCIE Frequency [Auto]
PCIE/DMI Amplitude [Auto]
PCIE/DMI Slew Rate [Auto]
PCIE/DMI Spread Spectrum [Auto]
Cold Boot PCIE Frequency [Auto]
Realtime Memory Timing [Enabled]
SPD Write Disable [TRUE]
PVD Ratio Threshold [Auto]
SA PLL Frequency Override [Auto]
BCLK TSC HW Fixup [Enabled]
Core Ratio Extension Mode [Disabled]
FLL OC mode [Auto]
UnderVolt Protection [Disabled]
Switch Microcode [Current Microcode]
Xtreme Tweaking [Disabled]
Core PLL Voltage [Auto]
GT PLL Voltage [Auto]
Ring PLL Voltage [Auto]
System Agent PLL Voltage [Auto]
Memory Controller PLL Voltage [Auto]
Efficient-core PLL Voltage [Auto]
CPU 1.8V Small Rail [Auto]
PLL Termination Voltage [Auto]
CPU Standby Voltage [Auto]
PCH 1.05V Voltage [Auto]
PCH 0.82V Voltage [Auto]
CPU Input Voltage Reset Voltage [Auto]
Eventual CPU Input Voltage [Auto]
Eventual Memory Controller Voltage [Auto]
Package Temperature Threshold [Auto]
Regulate Frequency by above Threshold [Auto]
Cooler Efficiency Customize [Keep Training]
Cooler Re-evaluation Algorithm [Normal]
Optimism Scale [100]
Ring Down Bin [Auto]
Min. CPU Cache Ratio [Auto]
Max. CPU Cache Ratio [50]
BCLK Aware Adaptive Voltage [Auto]
Actual VRM Core Voltage [Auto]
Global Core SVID Voltage [Auto]
Cache SVID Voltage [Auto]
CPU L2 Voltage [Adaptive Mode]
- Offset Mode Sign [+]
- Additional Turbo Mode CPU L2 Voltage [Auto]
- Offset Voltage [0.05000]
CPU System Agent Voltage [Manual Mode]
- CPU System Agent Voltage Override [1.18000]
CPU Input Voltage [1.90000]
High DRAM Voltage Mode [Enabled]
DRAM VDD Voltage [1.63000]
DRAM VDDQ Voltage [1.47000]
IVR Transmitter VDDQ Voltage [1.24000]
Memory Controller Voltage [1.49375]
MC Voltage Calculation Voltage Base [Auto]
VDD Calculation Voltage Base [Auto]
PMIC Voltages [Sync All PMICs]
SPD HUB VLDO (1.8V) [Auto]
SPD HUB VDDIO (1.0V) [Auto]
DRAM VDD Voltage [1.63000]
DRAM VDDQ Voltage [1.47000]
DRAM VPP Voltage [1.83000]
DRAM VDD Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VDDQ Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VPP Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [Auto]
PCI Express Native Power Management [Disabled]
DMI Link ASPM Control [Disabled]
ASPM [Disabled]
L1 Substates [Disabled]
DMI ASPM [Disabled]
DMI Gen3 ASPM [Disabled]
PEG - ASPM [Disabled]
PCI Express Clock Gating [Enabled]
Hardware Prefetcher [Enabled]
Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch [Enabled]
Intel (VMX) Virtualization Technology [Enabled]
Per P-Core Control [Disabled]
Per E-Core Control [Disabled]
Active Performance Cores [All]
Active Efficient Cores [All]
Hyper-Threading [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 0 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 1 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 2 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 3 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 4 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 5 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 6 [Enabled]
Hyper-Threading of Core 7 [Enabled]
Legacy Game Compatibility Mode [Disabled]
Boot performance mode [Auto]
Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm) [Enabled]
Intel(R) Speed Shift Technology [Enabled]
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 [Enabled]
Turbo Mode [Enabled]
Acoustic Noise Mitigation [Disabled]
CPU C-states [Enabled]
Enhanced C-states [Enabled]
Package C State Limit [Auto]
Thermal Monitor [Enabled]
Dual Tau Boost [Disabled]
VT-d [Enabled]
Control Iommu Pre-boot Behavior [Disable IOMMU]
Memory Remap [Enabled]
Enable VMD controller [Enabled]
Map PCIE Storage under VMD [Disabled]
Map SATA Controller under VMD [Disabled]
M.2_2 Link Speed [Auto]
PCIEX16(G5)_1 Link Speed [Auto]
M.2_1 Link Speed [Auto]
PCIEX4(G4)_1 Link Speed [Auto]
PCIEX4(G4)_2 Link Speed [Auto]
M.2_3 Link Speed [Auto]
DIMM.2_1 Link Speed [Auto]
DIMM.2_2 Link Speed [Auto]
SATA Controller(s) [Enabled]
Aggressive LPM Support [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
M.2_3 [Enabled]
M.2_3 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_1 [Enabled]
SATA6G_1 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_2 [Enabled]
SATA6G_2 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_3 [Enabled]
SATA6G_3 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_4 [Enabled]
SATA6G_4 Hot Plug [Disabled]
PTT [Enable]
Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Technology [Disabled]
PCIE Tunneling over USB4 [Enabled]
Discrete Thunderbolt(TM) Support [Disabled]
Security Device Support [Enable]
SHA256 PCR Bank [Enabled]
Pending operation [None]
Platform Hierarchy [Enabled]
Storage Hierarchy [Enabled]
Endorsement Hierarchy [Enabled]
Physical Presence Spec Version [1.3]
Disable Block Sid [Disabled]
Password protection of Runtime Variables [Enable]
Above 4G Decoding [Enabled]
Resize BAR Support [Enabled]
SR-IOV Support [Disabled]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
KingstonDataTraveler 3.00000 [Auto]
U10G_1 [Enabled]
U5G_E5 [Enabled]
U5G_E6 [Enabled]
U5G_E7 [Enabled]
U5G_E8 [Enabled]
U20G_C3 [Enabled]
U10G_5 [Enabled]
U10G_6 [Enabled]
U10G_7 [Enabled]
U10G_8 [Enabled]
U20G_C9 [Enabled]
USB11 [Enabled]
USB12 [Enabled]
U32G1_E1 [Enabled]
U32G1_E2 [Enabled]
U32G1_E3 [Enabled]
U32G1_E4 [Enabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [Samsung SSD 860 QVO 2TB]
Restore AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Max Power Saving [Disabled]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Power On By PCI-E [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
PCIe Bandwidth Bifurcation Configuration [Auto]
USB Audio [Disabled]
Intel LAN [Enabled]
USB power delivery in Soft Off state (S5) [Enabled]
Wi-Fi Controller [Disabled]
Bluetooth Controller [Enabled]
When system is in working state [All On]
Q-Code LED Function [Auto]
When system is in sleep, hibernate or soft off states [All On]
M.2_3 Configuration [Auto]
CPU PCIE Configuration Mode [Auto]
ASMedia USB 3.2 Controller_U5G_E12 [Enabled]
ASMedia USB 3.2 Controller_U5G_E34 [Enabled]
GNA Device [Disabled]
Alteration Mode Switch [PCIE Link Speed]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Package Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
Chipset Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
DIMM.2 Sensor 1 Temperature [Monitor]
DIMM.2 Sensor 2 Temperature [Monitor]
Water In T Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
Water Out T Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
DIMM Thermistor Temperature [Monitor]
DIMM A1 Temperature [Monitor]
DIMM B1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Extra Flow Fan Speed [Monitor]
Water Pump+ Speed [Monitor]
AIO Pump Speed [Monitor]
Flow Rate [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
Memory Controller Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Fan Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Fan Q-Fan Source [CPU]
CPU Fan Step Up [Level 0]
CPU Fan Step Down [Level 0]
CPU Fan Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Point4 Temperature [100]
CPU Fan Point4 Duty Cycle (%) [54]
CPU Fan Point3 Temperature [71]
CPU Fan Point3 Duty Cycle (%) [50]
CPU Fan Point2 Temperature [45]
CPU Fan Point2 Duty Cycle (%) [40]
CPU Fan Point1 Temperature [20]
CPU Fan Point1 Duty Cycle (%) [35]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 1 Step Up [Level 0]
Chassis Fan 1 Step Down [Level 0]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Point4 Temperature [100]
Chassis Fan 1 Point4 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 1 Point3 Temperature [65]
Chassis Fan 1 Point3 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 1 Point2 Temperature [45]
Chassis Fan 1 Point2 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 1 Point1 Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Point1 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 2 Step Up [Level 0]
Chassis Fan 2 Step Down [Level 0]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Point4 Temperature [100]
Chassis Fan 2 Point4 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 2 Point3 Temperature [65]
Chassis Fan 2 Point3 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 2 Point2 Temperature [45]
Chassis Fan 2 Point2 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Chassis Fan 2 Point1 Temperature [19]
Chassis Fan 2 Point1 Duty Cycle (%) [32]
Extra Flow Fan Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Extra Flow Fan Profile [Manual]
Extra Flow Fan Q-Fan Source [DIMM Thermistor]
Extra Flow Fan Step Up [Level 0]
Extra Flow Fan Step Down [Level 0]
Extra Flow Fan Speed Low Limit [Ignore]
Extra Flow Fan Point4 Temperature [100]
Extra Flow Fan Point4 Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Extra Flow Fan Point3 Temperature [60]
Extra Flow Fan Point3 Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Extra Flow Fan Point2 Temperature [50]
Extra Flow Fan Point2 Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Extra Flow Fan Point1 Temperature [33]
Extra Flow Fan Point1 Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Water Pump+ Q-Fan Control [Auto Detect]
Water Pump+ Profile [Full Speed]
AIO Pump Q-Fan Control [Auto Detect]
AIO Pump Profile [Full Speed]
CPU Temperature LED Switch [Enabled]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Windows UEFI mode]
Secure Boot Mode [Standard]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Fast Boot]
Boot Logo Display [Auto]
POST Delay Time [3 sec]
Bootup NumLock State [On]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Force BIOS]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Boot Sector (MBR/GPT) Recovery Policy [Local User Control]
Next Boot Recovery Action [Skip]
BIOS Image Rollback Support [Enabled]
Publish HII Resources [Disabled]
Flexkey [Reset]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Profile Name [8400c36]
Save to Profile [1]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Hotkey F3 [Toggle ASUS EZ Flash 3]
Hotkey F4 [Boot from UEFI USB]
Download & Install ARMOURY CRATE app [Enabled]
Download & Install MyASUS service & app [Disabled]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
mal was versucht.
tx 1.4
sa 1.20
imc: 1.38, zeigt immer 1.35 an
vdd 1.56
vddq 1.50
erro bei Test 8 nach 40 min.

Laut Tabelle error 8: to low WTRS, oder to high WTRL oder höheres WTRS stellen... was sollte man eher verstellen?


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
8200 läuft durch?
Das neue Beta Bios für das Encore scheint ganz gut zu laufen. Die Spannung für die CPU wird nun etwas geringer eingestellt und der RAM scheint mit XMP-Settings stable zu sein (ohne SA Anpassung).
okay... werd ich dann mal aufs zweit BIOS flashen.

Bin mit meinem neuen Chip jetzt auf VDDQTX 1.225 für 8400 runter und lief ne Stunde durch ycruncher bevor ich den test beendet hab. Jetzt dreh ich MC runter, 1.35V aktuell.
@Veii welche Spannung steht in interaktion / Abhängigkeit zu VCCSA? Ist das VDDQ(TX) oder MC? Ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen, dass bei dem low VID chip die VCCSA höher sein muss als bei nem high VID chip.
Hi @Vhypur, I hope you are doing well. I'd like to ask you if you can share me your V/F Offset. We have a very similar V/F factory curve, in my case I have a 14900k SP105, but the V/F are pretty similar. Veii suggested me to use your values. Thanks
sorry got busy wasn't really around much last 2 days but i seen you got some help from @tibcsi0407 - if you still want my v/f curve lmk i use LLC4 and 0.70 for my ACLL
habe nun die WTRL und WTRS geändert laut Error 8.-> WTRL tiefer
Komischerweise zeigt ATC noch die alten Werte an. 46 und 16
Freeze nach 1h22min. Was kann ich noch ändern? Oder lassen?
Wieso zeigt IMC immer den gleichen Wert an?


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Good morning,
I rebuilt my board, CPU and RAM. I have 8000 G-Skill that I can only get to work with 7800. But I've only changed the timings a little, no changes to the power supply yet.
BIOS update is new from Jan/2024. But the latency seems too high to me. If you can/would like to help, please only in German and no endless graphics or anything like that, which only the thread writer himself would understand.
How do I get the 8000 to work and how can the latency be better are my questions.
Thanks in advance.
Es tut mir leid. Mein Deutch ist nicht stark.

Hintsichlich die timings:

RFC2/RFCpb sollten auf den Ratio 32:26 sein ( von 480/390, 512/416, 544/442, 576/468, 608/494, 640/520 kannst du waehlen, am niedrigsten dass funktioniert)

Deinen tWTR und tWRRD koennen abgesenkt sein. Bis WTRL 24 und WTRS 4 (veilleicht nur 8 funktioniert fuer WTRS). WTR und tWRRD sind verbunden: tWRRD=tWTR+tCWL+10, wo tWRRDsg/WTRL und tWRRDdg/WTRS sind gepaart. sg="same group"=L=long/lang; dg="different group"=S=short/kurz

tRRDL 8 fuer H16A IC's
tRTP 12 stets
tCWL stets tCL-2

fuer 7800 und 8000 (nicht anderen Frequenz):
tCKE 20
tXP 30
@Veii hey there, sorry to bug you. I have a 14900K (SP100) and an Apex Encore (also 8000 2x24 that I struggled with, but that is a topic for another time lol). Been doing quite a bit of research on VF Tuning. I was planning on doing an undervolt with DC_LL/AC_LL as I did previously, but sounds like that is just not ideal.

@tibcsi0407 has been a huge help (again cannot thank you enough). And I used most of his offsets to start, so far I have bumped the low end up slightly so my minimum is 730mV. I haven't done extensive testing as yet, about 30 minutes of SFT, a few GB3/6 runs, CB23 and so far no crashing or other errors. Would you mind putting your eyes on the curve currently and see if there anything that just jumps out to that doesn't look good/needs adjustments?

I am currently not using any power limits, ICC Max is auto. AC_LL 0.65, SVID to Trained, C-States Enabled .


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8266, still can't figure out what it wants.. dropped to 8200, just slapped together random voltages, and this is stable.. lol. 40 cycles 1usmus, 12 cycles VST/VT3 .. ridiculous. Starting to think the Apex might be limiting me here, but I dunno.

Hi @tibcsi0407, thank you very much! :-) I will take some settings of your BIOS config and I'm going to try again with RONs 48-40/40-48. I'm still trying to find the VDDQ-TX Sweet Spot, It's not easy.
Are you running MRC Fastbook and Fast Boot enabled? That seemed strange to me. How do you achieve stability in retraining? For me in version 0080, with MRC and fast boot disabled it seems even very fast. Sometimes I try the ASUS Training Mode which makes it slower...

Something I haven't been able to discover yet is the value of VDDQ for VDDQCPU. On the other hand, having a similar processor and mobo, the only difference being the memories, which in my case are A-Die XMP 8000 at 1.45, I cannot understand why VDDQ_Mem is so low in the M-die kits that I see, and why they operate with such a low SA. I don't think it's the mems. But it never ceases to surprise me, because I always thought that APEX OG allowed very low SA values, but not in Encore. Now I managed to lower the 1.2, but I can't stabilize it. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

What I'm going to do is start with the V/F Curve first. Here I see the double S in Luke Joseph's post, BTW, @LukeJoseph thank you for sharing all the points of your VF Curve, I'm going to copy them as is so it automatically calculates my offsets. With my factory V/F values, I cannot pass CB15 Extreme or CB24, or YC SFT.

My first diagnosis is that for such demanding workloads, without an undervolt, I cannot withstand the transient spikes, for example, when I change from VST to VT3, there is a jump in temperatures, so I am running VST with 313W at 90C, and When changing to VT3 the power package it goes to 96 and then VT3 stabilizes at 86 and goes up. Then when shifting in another transition, it goes to 97 degrees and fails. I'm sure my VF curve has a lot to do with it, since it starts at 730 but then drops to less than 700 at 1400MHz, and goes up fine from there.

Are you running MRC Fastbook and Fast Boot enabled? That seemed strange to me. How do you achieve stability in retraining? For me in version 0080, with MRC and fast boot disabled it seems even very fast. Sometimes I try the ASUS Training Mode which makes it slower...
Yeah, I enabled it after the 4th pass ony Y. So far so good. :)
Something I haven't been able to discover yet is the value of VDDQ for VDDQCPU. On the other hand, having a similar processor and mobo, the only difference being the memories, which in my case are A-Die XMP 8000 at 1.45, I cannot understand why VDDQ_Mem is so low in the M-die kits that I see, and why they operate with such a low SA. I don't think it's the mems.
I have no idea. Anything other than 1.47 MVDDQ is a trouble for me. Still trying to find the way to raise it. I think it's because the BIOS trains skews for 1.47V.
I still had no time for manual skews, but I believe that's the only way to catch that 8600..
My first diagnosis is that for such demanding workloads, without an undervolt, I cannot withstand the transient spikes, for example, when I change from VST to VT3, there is a jump in temperatures, so I am running VST with 313W at 90C, and When changing to VT3 the power package it goes to 96 and then VT3 stabilizes at 86 and goes up. Then when shifting in another transition, it goes to 97 degrees and fails. I'm sure my VF curve has a lot to do with it, since it starts at 730 but then drops to less than 700 at 1400MHz, and goes up fine from there.
Could be your cooling. If Vcore is on edge, cooling is important. You will probably need some mV headroom.

What kind of AIO do you have right now?
Yeah, I enabled it after the 4th pass ony Y. So far so good. :)
I have no idea. Anything other than 1.47 MVDDQ is a trouble for me. Still trying to find the way to raise it. I think it's because the BIOS trains skews for 1.47V.
I still had no time for manual skews, but I believe that's the only way to catch that 8600..
Could be your cooling. If Vcore is on edge, cooling is important. You will probably need some mV headroom.

What kind of AIO do you have right now?
I'm already used to waiting for him to train, as long as he trains well I don't worry. My hypothesis is that everything is water cooled with a Closed Loop, at low temperatures, it works differently, better in every way, hence the lower voltages and better results with training. But it's just a hypothesis!

I have a Deepcool LT720 with 3 T30s at 3000 RPMs, with the TR contact frame. Overall it works well, but I can't sustain 350 Power draw, so I'm not looking for 60x.

What do you think of my new curve? I had to add more voltage on the low side and then an undervolt on the high side to achieve the S. My factory V/F starts very low. I will correct points 10 and 11 in the BIOS, they don't appear in OCTool
VF Adjusted.jpg
I'm already used to waiting for him to train, as long as he trains well I don't worry. My hypothesis is that everything is water cooled with a Closed Loop, at low temperatures, it works differently, better in every way, hence the lower voltages and better results with training. But it's just a hypothesis!

I have a Deepcool LT720 with 3 T30s at 3000 RPMs, with the TR contact frame. Overall it works well, but I can't sustain 350 Power draw, so I'm not looking for 60x.

What do you think of my new curve? I had to add more voltage on the low side and then an undervolt on the high side to achieve the S. My factory V/F starts very low. I will correct points 10 and 11 in the BIOS, they don't appear in OCTool
Anhang anzeigen 973689
This is much better.
VF 11 is always your highest ratio. That's why it shows 60X.

From AIO I would suggest you to try EK CR360, it has very good performance.
This is much better.
VF 11 is always your highest ratio. That's why it shows 60X.

From AIO I would suggest you to try EK CR360, it has very good performance.
From the shape of the curve it seems good, I applied the values and I couldn't even run CB23, maybe the undervolt is affecting me in the upper part of the curve, I don't think it affects the lower part as much. @Veii I recommend correcting P3, but since I have such a low value from the factory, I have no choice but to give it +30mV or more.

Can you tell me how AC_LL plays to move the curve? If I set 0.6 as you have for LLC4, does that move the curve? I mean, taking into account that the value that OCTool reads for LLC4 is 0.27. I don't quite understand how AC_LL plays with the curve. Thanks!
Jappsi gleiches...
Wie weit ist das Setting denn bootfähig?
Bootet tut er. Manchmal ein 55er. Also ist da noch der Wurm drin. Teste es noch paarmal so nach den Änderungen, ob ein 55er eintrifft. Ich wüsste sonst nicht wo schrauben noch. Ggf spiele ich das neue Bios drauf. Ev habe ich da mehr Glück.
Also meiner Erfahrung nach ist der 55er ein anzeichen von nicht stimmiger SA, IMC. Bei DDR4 wars auch noch ein Zusammenspiel mit den Timings. Vielleicht dort mal ansetzen?
From the shape of the curve it seems good, I applied the values and I couldn't even run CB23, maybe the undervolt is affecting me in the upper part of the curve, I don't think it affects the lower part as much. @Veii I recommend correcting P3, but since I have such a low value from the factory, I have no choice but to give it +30mV or more.

Can you tell me how AC_LL plays to move the curve? If I set 0.6 as you have for LLC4, does that move the curve? I mean, taking into account that the value that OCTool reads for LLC4 is 0.27. I don't quite understand how AC_LL plays with the curve. Thanks!
The AC loadline moves every value up or down. So the graph moves parallel, shape remain the same, just with different values.
SVID behaviour is trained right now?
Also meiner Erfahrung nach ist der 55er ein anzeichen von nicht stimmiger SA, IMC. Bei DDR4 wars auch noch ein Zusammenspiel mit den Timings. Vielleicht dort mal ansetzen?
55 kann leider fast jede Spannung verursachen. Genauso sind Timings möglich.
Man kann es meist ein wenig eingrenzen wenn man beobachtet wann der 55er kommt.

Also wie weit der bootablauf geht. Wenn er schon 2-3 neu ansetzen muss ist man eh weit von dauerhafter Stabilität entfernt.

Kommt der 55er direkt im ersten Versuch und im normalen trainings Verlauf dann sind es meist nur Spannungen.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Deshalb immer schön Äuglein auf den postcode während des Trainings.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also meiner Erfahrung nach ist der 55er ein anzeichen von nicht stimmiger SA, IMC. Bei DDR4 wars auch noch ein Zusammenspiel mit den Timings. Vielleicht dort mal ansetzen?
Sa kann ich nur tiefer gehen. Werd mal neues bios updateb und versuchen. Gibt ja Leute die fahre. Da 1.19 sa und solches. Muss ja nicht inner 1.25 bzw 1.28 sein.
hab Deine Werte übernommen, aber warum die Spannung ändern?
Hat das Board selbst gesetzt und die Temps sehen doch ok aus.


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Price is good, but still it's Micron. :(
Price is good, but still it's Micron. :(
That may be the good thing
8*3GB IC are JEDEC 5600 vs 4800 on Hynix
But what is 16gb "pro overclocking" :unsure:

I dont know anything non 4800 or 5600 - maybe JEDEC 6400 kits already nonsense, wouldnt be if they cant sell them as 6400's.
How is it different from "Micron Pro" vs "Micron Pro OC" :unsure:
Because Pro lineup already features cooler and pads improvement + better PCB.
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