[Sammelthread] Intel DDR5 RAM OC Thread

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It is JEDEC 5600
And JEDEC is binning at 1.1v

Why they are stock at 1.35v is strange
But 5600C36-38 sounds reasonable vs Hynix 5600C46-45-45
Soo if they don't practice marketing shenanigans, this could get interesting. :unsure:
Technically they wouldn't need to.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

But they are still slower by a lot.
Ya ?
I dont see anybody working with JEDEC 5600 Micron's.
Like any at all.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
It's an older post, saw different kit's from him since then.
Didn't Igor review the new Micron kits last year?
Maybe missed,
i saw the cheap Pro lineup just recently as 5600 kits.
They definitely are capable, if they want.


Yes JEDEC XMP 4800 C28-36-36 [Igorslab] & 5600 32-42-42 @ 1.2v
vs 5600 36-38-38 @ idk what voltage
Different ICs and smaller CAS/RCD delta.

Its even worse

4800 C41-41 @ 1.1v JEDEC.
Other was 1.2v XMP, not JEDEC.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Those were my Viper Hynix-M early on

Hynix 6000 30-36 @ 1.3(5)v ~ (XMP 6000C36-36 @ 1.25v)
vs XMP
Micron 6000 36-38 @ 1.35v

If they are just 1-2 ticks worse, it sounds good :unsure:
But i don't know. I was big amateur back then~
Didn't Igor review the new Micron kits last year?
Were not new.
Current listed is not out yet.
Whatever 16gb pro OC lineup is supposed to be.
Other Pro lineup are brand new too

Soo they do play with marketing a bit
JEDEC 5600 rating is 46-45 @ 1.1v .
They dont sell slower kits because ICs are 5600 rated not 4800. 5600 & 6000 kits only.
Then 36-38 is 1.35v rated. How they can call it JEDEC 36-38 is beyond me.
But with math, it still sounds ok actually. I'd like to try them. Whatever new they will release as 16gb option.


So its that @ 1.1v.
I guess they can do better as 5600 40-40 kits vs 46-45 @ 1.1v
But ya~
Curious :-)


Definitely lower tier at low voltage.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@Veii welche Spannung steht in interaktion / Abhängigkeit zu VCCSA? Ist das VDDQ(TX) oder MC? Ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen, dass bei dem low VID chip die VCCSA höher sein muss als bei nem high VID chip.

Hi @Veii can you briefly tell me the basic voltage rules? Deltas and what voltages interact...
Hi @Veii can you briefly tell me the basic voltage rules? Deltas and what voltages interact...
Rules are Dynamic.
Up to self adjusting V/R-odt of sample.
Self adjusting because up to leakage factor of sample.
High VID = leaky, Low VID = non leaky.
Leaky = 1.48++
Non Leaky= 1.38-1.42v

High SA , lower IVR VDDQ ⟺ Mem VDDQ Delta ~ because weak ODT
Low SA, big VDDQ Delta, because strong ODT.

VDD2 = ODT defined and sample leakage defined.

Rules adapt to CPU :)
VDDQ ⟺ VDDQ changes by capacity, Boardlayout , Board ODT/RTT Tuning & Rodt state defined by sample and SA state.

When SA bug happens, depends on sample leakage factor.
Freeze on TM5 are ODT issues inside CPU. Non mem related
#0 are dropped links between CPU & MEM.
#6 is mem primaries or CPU IMC.
#8 CPU synchronization issue for writes. Writes are handled by the CPU.

Working Order:
Know V/F Curve ~ to decide on VDD(2)_CPU
Decide whatever SA.
VDDQ Training off.
Sample Max VDDQ⟺VDDQ delta and min delta till y-cruncher 90min+TM5 1usmus 25c.
Of both borders use 80-85% of median.
If 60 & 120 , use 90-105mV (steps 15mV).
If 75 & 150, use ~120-135mV
And so on.

Higher capacity , smaller delta.
2DPC, vs 1DPC ~ smaller delta.
Weaker Boarddesign ~ smaller delta.

Best "rules" i can give you.
Too much "it depends".

InMem Delta rules:
Step 30mV.
60mV delta works always
105mV delta is a powering/rtt check
240mV delta about user max ~ seen functional but never on stock RTTs.
300mV delta is PMIC max.

VDDQ⟺VDDQ is crucial
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Rules are Dynamic.
Up to self adjusting R-odt of sample.
Self adjusting because up to leakage factor of sample.
High VID = leaky, Low VID = non leaky.
Leaky = 1.48++
Non Leaky= 1.38-1.42v

High SA , lower IVR VDDQ ⟺ Mem VDDQ Delta ~ because weak ODT
Low SA, big VDDQ Delta, because strong ODT.

My CPU samples show the exact oposite.

Btw., why is high VID = high leakage? Isn't it the other way around? Leaky = more power draw but faster switching = lower VID, or not?
My CPU samples show the exact oposite.

Btw., why is high VID = high leakage? Isn't it the other way around? Leaky = more power draw but faster switching = lower VID, or not?
The opposite.
SA is just SA.
ODT changes

High ODT impedance value ~ weaker signal
Low ODT impedance value ~ stronger signal.

SA changing ODT is a side-influence.
ODT adapts dynamically.

If we check on voltage required to even leakage factor:
Leaky samples are hungry for more voltage but scale better with more amperage
Non leaky samples scale better with lower voltage, but may or may not dislike high amperage.

If voltage level is the same:
Then leaky samples may reach higher clock vs non leaky samples

if amperage/powerdraw level is the same:
Then leaky samples will need less voltage to reach high powerdraw
vs non leaky samples.

If we even out same clock:
leaky sample will have it harder & require more voltage vs non leaky samples.

If we even out -200°c thermals and so internal resistance:
Leaky samples will scale better vs non leaky samples.

All a perspective thing. :-)
Same story with ASIC % which equals LkgID (leakage factor)

Basically leaky samples only are useful at lower thermals, till SignalIntegrity becomes unbearable @ target high voltage.
Non leaky samples require less voltage which means better SI and easier to use stronger amplification of set low voltage (stronger/lower ODT).
Hope that explains~ :giggle:
That may be the good thing
8*3GB IC are JEDEC 5600 vs 4800 on Hynix
But what is 16gb "pro overclocking" :unsure:
H24M is either 5600 (MGBD) or 6400 (MHBD). Whereas the MGBDs usually clock better despite being JEDEC 5600.
H24M is either 5600 (MGBD) or 6400 (MHBD). Whereas the MGBDs usually clock better despite being JEDEC 5600.
Yes MHBD is newer.
But there can be a powering issue on newer ICs.
RTTs are different too.

Unless specification scale up "degraded" with 6400 JEDEC
// (if they are even, given SK Hynix started to push 24gb-M & 16gb-A under 4800MT/s Class V spec ... which absolutely is not JEDEC-5600 spec, let alone 6400 dreams. Its just marketing JEDEC-5600 target, if even.)
Then there is no reason why higher JEDEC should clock worse.
Only if specification targets degraded due to failure in meeting target. Then for sure it makes sense.
Correct practice is like example above. Slower timings @ equal or better ns worldclock. Rising onwards by MT/s.

For Micron that is till 8000 @ 1.1v JEDEC. (14ns CAS)
SK-Hynix keeps their datasheets private soo one can not point to that part.
But if they failed target & time was of pressure, then that's about how you go ~ you degrade specs or twist specifications and words.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Unless specification scale up "degraded" with 6400 JEDEC
// (if they are even, given SK Hynix started to push 24gb-M & 16gb-A under 4800MT/s Class V spec ... which absolutely is not JEDEC-5600 spec, let alone 6400 dreams)
Then there is no reason why higher JEDEC should clock worse.

That’s only in theory:

If voltage level is the same:
Then leaky samples may reach higher clock vs non leaky samples

If we even out same clock:
leaky sample will have it harder & require more voltage vs non leaky samples.

And here is the logic error, or not ;)

Leaky = same clock at lower voltage or higher clock at same voltage = lower VID
That’s only in theory:

Yess that part/sku number is missleading
Not only do they themselves break it by sepperating to Class V vs Class-A
but also don't rate current kits correctly.

Everything i've seen that doesnt come straight out of them, is JEDEC4800 testet.
Probably soo higher margins pass through & yield is higher.
Add ontop that supposedly higher "visually rated" kits perform worse.
I don't know what to think more.

Its kind of obvious, even if you add 4 ratings (2 more ratings for non 3DS) , you still don't follow them.
It is embarrassing but i don't know what to say. Also it's bad practice to bad-pr complain.
Yet, like "why do you even call your kits JEDEC-5600 qualified ... if you don't even test at that speed."

Yea no,
If one has nothing good to say, they should better say nothing.
Give them time :)
It may be target as JEDEC-6400, but i absolutely struggle to believe its actually meeting that target 🤭
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

And here is the logic error, or not ;)

Leaky = same clock at lower voltage or higher clock at same voltage = lower VID
Voltage neither means amperage nor clock :)
The "higher clock at same voltage target" has thermal as variable
The "same clock target at lower voltage" has efficiency as variable

The Stilt on OCN like 8? years ago, explained it well.
ASIC quality replaced with "leakage-factor in %".
For old days it was high ASIC = non leaky sample
But for AMD and current target its "leakage factor in %"
How much does it leak, where lower % is better.

Thermal variable
Impedance variable
Resistance variable

Voltage & clock are irrelevant~
Amperage is an end product
Thermals & leakage factor/picosec(time) go hand-in-hand.
^ but thermal & substrate foldover point was mostly solved last ~4 years.
// It was an issue with Skylake (2015) where substrate foldover point was ~72°C.
// Now both companies AMD/Intel test at 130-135°C their substrate with ~6 months time limit. 95-105° are common temperatures since 2015.
// Its not a problem anymore and doesnt influence too much leakage factor. Cold on the other hand changes resistance and material properties. This includes the copper-mainboard, even if crystal is quite stable.
// High temps topic is long time resolved. For most ICs too. Only Cube (3D) stacked memory/cache [transistors] still needs bit more time to mature. As thermals still mess a lot with our capacitor's style.
// GaN has quite interesting properties.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

The Stilt on OCN like 8? years ago, explained it well.
Maybe it can be found with wayback archieves
He made a good explanation how leakage factors behave.

Generally The Stilt was very educational and supportive in the early days. There is much to learn, if you can still find his posts.
Also very polite, to say the least~~
Elmor & Shamino can be put in the same bag.
Although didn't have a chance to catch much education from both sadly. I joined too late in our field. :geek:
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:


More efficient sample, will come with lower VIDs.
But more efficient sample does not guarantee higher clock scaling.
It just guarantee's lower leakage till some point

It also does not guarantee less SI affectness.
It only guarantee's better SNR/SI till some clock/strain point.

Now strainpoint of thermals can be excluded for crystal.
Substrate foldover point has been moved to the 115-120°C point. GPUs included.
// Up to manufacturing node i guess. Low nm nodes with high efficiency tend to have low thermal foldover points.
But ~ voltage sustain duration (leakage) vs voltage transmission (resistance) are two different things.

An efficient sample doesnt mean it has lower resistance vs a leaky sample
But a leaky sample may... have it easier with higher voltage, due to it being shaped as such sample.
// And still that higher voltage, doesn't always have to mean more powerdraw. That depends on thermal condition and internal resistance factor.
If it wasnt shaped as such sample, it would never meet clock target and be rated at lower voltage ~ "looking" like an efficient sample
But only looking like, till you approach its limits.

Now if you scale that clock up, what is efficient and what is not ... well that changes :) perspective changes.
// Hence also voltage req between frequency points changes. Efficiency changes, its not linear.
Soo all leakage factors have their corresponding range and conditions~
Thermal conditions we matured well last, actually its 8-9 years already.
Clock conditions we skyrocketed +1000-1500MHz last 3 years. Around there.

But if we match clock targets
Then an efficient sample will need less voltage and may or may not produce less powerdraw
If it does is another variable, how it works with the voltage you give it. Internal resistance is silicon lottery a bit.
But if rating is correct and it needs less voltage for same target clock ~ then noise will be better too, due to simply needing less voltage :)
Just within its range, till it also becomes a leaky sample or worse. Usually foldover point drops like a stone. Effect should be very visible on memtransistors.

I hope this time it makes a bit more sense~~
Please let me know , if it still doesnt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Maybe missed,
i saw the cheap Pro lineup just recently as 5600 kits.
They definitely are capable, if they want.

Anhang anzeigen 973850
Yes JEDEC XMP 4800 C28-36-36 [Igorslab] & 5600 32-42-42 @ 1.2v
vs 5600 36-38-38 @ idk what voltage
Different ICs and smaller CAS/RCD delta.

Its even worse
Anhang anzeigen 973851
4800 C41-41 @ 1.1v JEDEC.
Other was 1.2v XMP, not JEDEC.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Those were my Viper Hynix-M early on
Anhang anzeigen 973855
Hynix 6000 30-36 @ 1.3(5)v ~ (XMP 6000C36-36 @ 1.25v)
vs XMP
Micron 6000 36-38 @ 1.35v

If they are just 1-2 ticks worse, it sounds good :unsure:
But i don't know. I was big amateur back then~

Were not new.
Current listed is not out yet.
Whatever 16gb pro OC lineup is supposed to be.
Other Pro lineup are brand new too
Anhang anzeigen 973861
Soo they do play with marketing a bit
JEDEC 5600 rating is 46-45 @ 1.1v .
They dont sell slower kits because ICs are 5600 rated not 4800. 5600 & 6000 kits only.
Then 36-38 is 1.35v rated. How they can call it JEDEC 36-38 is beyond me.
But with math, it still sounds ok actually. I'd like to try them. Whatever new they will release as 16gb option.

Anhang anzeigen 973863
So its that @ 1.1v.
I guess they can do better as 5600 40-40 kits vs 46-45 @ 1.1v
But ya~
Curious :-)

Anhang anzeigen 973865
Definitely lower tier at low voltage.
Hm, could be interesting. BIOS support is questionable.
@tibcsi0407 so i swapped to the 1001 bios today and so far i just needed to change my offsets slightly otherwise memory worked fine with same settings from 0080 which is weird cuz 0904 for me was unstable in memory and cpu but 1001 is fine, but you also had a problem with this 1 lol stuff is so confusing i wish they would just flat out specifically list off the changes instead of some generic term " improved system performance " and im sure there is reasons they don't but damn is it annoying lol
Good...eh Timezone i guess 🤭🥱

I think "added 256GB support"
Are Samsungs brand new 4gb IC. (4x64GB dimms)
Thinking about it, other IC Manufactures arent ready with it yet.

Unless Team knowns more than me, i dont think we can run 2Heigh 2GB ICs
As 48gb per side UDIMM
That would be actual DualRank, 96GB dimms.
But i dont think UDIMM can physically do that.
Else we wouldnt waste time with (virtual) logical-dual rank. That has zero properties of actual dual rank.
// Although consumer IMC may? has support for RDIMM. Like it has for LPDDR4/5.
// If somebody would make a server class Board to have fun with RDIMM on an OCing CPU. Topic (AI) dataset-processing.

Soo must be brand-new's Samsung IC compatiblity & RTTs for 2DPC
Whyever changelog is put on 1 DPC apex Boards.
Guess just global firmware branch (changelog) practices.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Rules are dynamic .
Up to self-adjusting V/R - odt of sample .
Self-adjusting because up to leakage factor of sample.
High VID = leaky, Low VID = non-leaky.
Leaky = 1.48++

High SA , lower IVR VDDQ ⟺ Mem VDDQ Delta ~ because weak ODT
Low SA, big VDDQ Delta, because strong ODT.

VDD2 = ODT defined and sample leakage defined.

Rules adapt to CPU :)
VDDQ ⟺ VDDQ changes by capacity, board layout, board ODT/RTT tuning & Rodt state defined by sample and SA state.

When SA bug happens, depends on sample leakage factor.
Freeze on TM5 are ODT issues inside CPU. Not meme related
#0 are dropped links between CPU & MEM.
#6 is mem primaries or CPU IMC.
#8 CPU synchronization issue for writes. Writes are handled by the CPU.

Working order :
Know V/F Curve ~ to decide on VDD(2)_CPU
Decide whatever SA.
VDDQ training off.
Sample Max VDDQ⟺VDDQ delta and min delta till y-cruncher 90min+TM5 1usmus 25c.
Of both borders use 80-85% of median.
If 60 & 120 , use 90-105mV (steps 15mV).
If 75 & 150, use ~120-135mV
And so on.

Higher capacity, smaller delta.
2DPC, vs 1DPC ~ smaller delta.
Weaker board design ~ smaller delta.

Best “rules” I can give you.
Too much “it depends”.

InMem Delta rules :
Step 30mV.
60mV delta always works
105mV delta is a powering/rtt check
240mV delta about user max ~ seen functional but never on stock RTTs.
300mV delta is PMIC max.

VDDQ⟺VDDQ is crucial
Hi @Veii, how are you? I liked all your posts here! :-) (I have a library of OCN bookmarks of your posts, many from AMD) I'm still working with the voltages, maybe you can help me with some advice since there are some points that I don't quite understand yet.

My mem kit is a Gskill 8000 2x16 A-Die at 1.45 XMP. (similar to the 7800 2x16 at 1.4v). Would my XMP value be the floor of VDDQ_mem? Or for example with a RON of 48/40-40-48, could VDDQ_mem go down?

I'm trying with the following values:

8200/8266 loose timings (38-49-49-49-65)
VDDQ_mem 1.45
VDD_mem 1.51 (following the 60mV rule)
VDDQCPU-TX+ 1.23v it seems that the lower the better (it would be an objective delta, right?)
MC 1.48v (I didn't understand when you said that Know V/F Curve ~ to decide on VDD(2)_CPU). How can the MC value be interpreted on the V/F?
SA 1.18, I notice that the lower it is, the faster YC VST-VT3 works. The higher the SA, the slower the execution of VST-VT3. considering the detail I have between VDDQ and TX.

Regarding my 14900k CPU, I understand that it is non-leaky, my V/F is on the edge, at 1423 maximum. I'm working on it with the help of
@tibcsi0407, he did an impressive work!! Thanks @tibcsi0407! 🙌
VF Curve.jpg
I didn't understand when you say "of both borders use 80-85% of median", If 60 & 120 , use 90-105mV (steps 15mV). If 75 & 150, use ~120-135mV. I don't understand what you mean by the "borders", it went directly to a target of max 230mv for the 16GB kits. Before, I left TX in Auto which gave me a fixed value of 1.35, just 100mV of delta. I'd like to understand this concept so I can build my funtation well. Thanks

Another point, I realized that a Pcore, 7, shoots up in temperature. It is always the same as in the transitions from VST to VT3 (mostly in VT3), having a current peak, it fails. Can a single core be limited with an offset? I know it's pretty basic, but I don't know if it's better to touch the entire V/F or add an offset to a Core. Before, this error did not appear because I always had a limit, either PL1/2 or an AVX -2/-4. and with that I was at 253/280. Now without limits, I can reach ~310W but I notice that all the processors have relatively good temperatures except one.
PCore7 high temp.jpg
You taught me a while ago how to define RTTs, in fact before with my previous 13700k CPU, I always used them flat, the adapted version of Shamito, 40-34-34-34/240-0-0/60(80) - 40-40, now I'll leave you by car. And for 8200/8266, 172 / 90 in CTL0 DQVrefup/down. For now I only have the RONs and CTL0 DQVref set, RTTs in Auto. Is it okay for me to start leaving RTT on Auto for now?

Thank you very much as always!
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

The AC loadline moves every value up or down. So the graph moves parallel, shape remain the same, just with different values.
SVID behaviour is trained right now?
Hi @tibcsi0407, how are you? I just realized I just realized that you are from Hungary, you know that my parents are from Hungary, in fact I am a Hungarian citizen but I was born in Argentina, and believe it or not, I still have not known the land of my parents. It's something I'm going to do this year!, Regarding the AC_LL, then if, for example, I define 0.6, do the values that I defined in the V/F that I shared with you in my previous post move to the right? I say, because one of the errors that I think I have is that P3 is very low from the factory, so I have to give it +35/40mv to keep it horizontal, but then to achieve the double S, I increase the voltage of P4 and P5 , and then eating with an undervolt for the rest of the curve, which I think is what causes CB23 to fail and everything in general. If so, maybe those values could work, but they are high jumps compared to my original curve, what do you think?

VF Adjusted.jpg
Oh, my SVID Behavior is Trained, and my MCE set to Enable Remove All limits. If I set ASUS MultiCore Enhancement [Auto – Lets BIOS Optimize], it set PL1 to 253W. I don't understand why it doesn't do it to you, but every time I select that, PL1 option it goes to 253. Even if I disable the TVB Voltage optimizations like you have. The only way to not limit anything is by setting MCE to "Enable Remove all limits"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@tibcsi0407 so i swapped to the 1001 bios today and so far i just needed to change my offsets slightly otherwise memory worked fine with same settings from 0080 which is weird cuz 0904 for me was unstable in memory and cpu but 1001 is fine, but you also had a problem with this 1 lol stuff is so confusing i wish they would just flat out specifically list off the changes instead of some generic term " improved system performance " and im sure there is reasons they don't but damn is it annoying lol
What's your current mem speed? Some of us experienced issues above 8400 with the new release.

I am sure it has to work, but I need to find the key for that, which is not easy.
Hi @tibcsi0407,I just tried AC at 0.6 and the curve looked much better, I just corrected P3 so that it doesn't go down, and eating at 719 instead of 711, I think it looks much better, even without achieving the double S shape
VF P3 Adjusted-AC_LL Auto #1.jpg
VF P3 Adjusted-AC_LL 0.6  #2.jpeg
It seems much better, doesn't it? Thanks
Hi @Veii, how are you? I liked all your posts here! :-) (I have a library of OCN bookmarks of your posts, many from AMD) I'm still working with the voltages, maybe you can help me with some advice since there are some points that I don't quite understand yet.

My mem kit is a Gskill 8000 2x16 A-Die at 1.45 XMP. (similar to the 7800 2x16 at 1.4v). Would my XMP value be the floor of VDDQ_mem? Or for example with a RON of 48/40-40-48, could VDDQ_mem go down?

I'm trying with the following values:

8200/8266 loose timings (38-49-49-49-65)
VDDQ_mem 1.45
VDD_mem 1.51 (following the 60mV rule)
VDDQCPU-TX+ 1.23v it seems that the lower the better (it would be an objective delta, right?)
MC 1.48v (I didn't understand when you said that Know V/F Curve ~ to decide on VDD(2)_CPU). How can the MC value be interpreted on the V/F?
SA 1.18, I notice that the lower it is, the faster YC VST-VT3 works. The higher the SA, the slower the execution of VST-VT3. considering the detail I have between VDDQ and TX.

Regarding my 14900k CPU, I understand that it is non-leaky, my V/F is on the edge, at 1423 maximum. I'm working on it with the help of
@tibcsi0407, he did an impressive work!! Thanks @tibcsi0407! 🙌
I didn't understand when you say "of both borders use 80-85% of median", If 60 & 120 , use 90-105mV (steps 15mV). If 75 & 150, use ~120-135mV. I don't understand what you mean by the "borders", it went directly to a target of max 230mv for the 16GB kits. Before, I left TX in Auto which gave me a fixed value of 1.35, just 100mV of delta. I'd like to understand this concept so I can build my funtation well. Thanks

Another point, I realized that a Pcore, 7, shoots up in temperature. It is always the same as in the transitions from VST to VT3 (mostly in VT3), having a current peak, it fails. Can a single core be limited with an offset? I know it's pretty basic, but I don't know if it's better to touch the entire V/F or add an offset to a Core. Before, this error did not appear because I always had a limit, either PL1/2 or an AVX -2/-4. and with that I was at 253/280. Now without limits, I can reach ~310W but I notice that all the processors have relatively good temperatures except one.
You taught me a while ago how to define RTTs, in fact before with my previous 13700k CPU, I always used them flat, the adapted version of Shamito, 40-34-34-34/240-0-0/60(80) - 40-40, now I'll leave you by car. And for 8200/8266, 172 / 90 in CTL0 DQVrefup/down. For now I only have the RONs and CTL0 DQVref set, RTTs in Auto. Is it okay for me to start leaving RTT on Auto for now?

Thank you very much as always!
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Hi @tibcsi0407, how are you? I just realized I just realized that you are from Hungary, you know that my parents are from Hungary, in fact I am a Hungarian citizen but I was born in Argentina, and believe it or not, I still have not known the land of my parents. It's something I'm going to do this year!, Regarding the AC_LL, then if, for example, I define 0.6, do the values that I defined in the V/F that I shared with you in my previous post move to the right? I say, because one of the errors that I think I have is that P3 is very low from the factory, so I have to give it +35/40mv to keep it horizontal, but then to achieve the double S, I increase the voltage of P4 and P5 , and then eating with an undervolt for the rest of the curve, which I think is what causes CB23 to fail and everything in general. If so, maybe those values could work, but they are high jumps compared to my original curve, what do you think?

Oh, my SVID Behavior is Trained, and my MCE set to Enable Remove All limits. If I set ASUS MultiCore Enhancement [Auto – Lets BIOS Optimize], it set PL1 to 253W. I don't understand why it doesn't do it to you, but every time I select that, PL1 option it goes to 253. Even if I disable the TVB Voltage optimizations like you have. The only way to not limit anything is by setting MCE to "Enable Remove all limits"

Yes,I noticed first time your account name on OCN. The world is small. ☺️
I like the news shape better. Did you check the stability?
I believe MCE sets the option based on your cooling performance.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Hi @tibcsi0407,I just tried AC at 0.6 and the curve looked much better, I just corrected P3 so that it doesn't go down, and eating at 719 instead of 711, I think it looks much better, even without achieving the double S shape
It seems much better, doesn't it? Thanks
Looks cool.aybe you can raise the 51X point a little and you will get the shape. How is the performance?
I will try it later too to find out what did they change, but atm I had to come back to 0081. It works like charm.
Actually ME version is the same afaik, so it's not a problem to bounce back without BIOS switching. CPU Microcode is updated in new BIOS.
Maybe they are preparing for KS launch.
I see.
Hi @Veii! I'm also so so, but still pushing. Long story short, there was once a very happy OCN member with a good setup for his 13700k and 7200 with a Hero :-). But well, the desire to improve components and performance made me change everything. I bought an Encore, I managed to reach 8266MT/s with false stability, since by mistake, like many of us, I limited the voltage, in my case with an AVX offset, that's why YC never failed. Then I bought some 8000 2x16 Gskill A-die memories, to lower the voltages and temperatures a little, and until then, everything was fine. Then I bought the 14900k, which to my surprise and because it was a first attemp of purchase on Amazon US, I got a good one, SP105.
I realized from the progress of @tibcsi0407 what had advanced and one of the things that surprised me and you mentioned to me in this last post, that my SA was very high, and I didn't understand why so many users used such a low SA with an Apex.
I have two childs, they played Fortnite or Roblox, every so often an error 41 would appear and it would crash or reboot.
mmmm :)
This configuration at 8000 was not stable, and I passed a little YC (maybe that's the error) and then TM5, then Karhu 9hs... and cold boot... I went to 8266 taking one of your recommendations from a previous post
8266 Error ar 10th YC Cycle.jpg
What I did was, I lowered VDDQCPU to 1.22 and SA rised to 1.21 I realized that at 1.18 it failed quickly, perhaps TX at 1.22 is too low for VDDQ 1.45. I know SA can't get above TX, that's why they are so close.
I am not sure for how long this will remain the case with SA/IVR VDDQ.
Because SA is linear and a VID, while [IVR] VDD2 & VDDQ are not.
VIDs target , well target voltage while the other one is affected by ODT.
Hence lower values there may still be stronger. Its amperage matching.

No such thing on Vcore/ring/L$/VDDCR_SA.
It is ODT affected, but i dont think its the same way amplified.
What I did was, I lowered VDDQCPU to 1.22 and SA rised to 1.21 I realized that at 1.18 it failed quickly,
IVR VDD/Q 1456-1220
SA 1220
MEM VDD/Q 1530-1455

That's 235 delta. @ 1220 SA.
And 80 in mem.

Mem probably is ok.
I guess play with VDDQ delta.
In 15mV steps till you fail boot. Then in 5mV steps up and down till it passes.
if VDDQ_Mem is a fixed variable, and the delta is between 180 and 230mV, it would be at the maximum of that delta, I could raise it, but there are three variables.
MVDDQ is not the fixed variable.
The delta between both is a fixed variable, that can change due to strain slightly.
It will change due to internal ODT for sure.
What do you recommend me? I'm a little lost and frustrated...

Thanks like always! :-)
use the latest TM5
Drop SA to 1.14v level and start with 7800MT/s.
Figure median of delta out. till TM5 gives a #0 or #6.
Keep VDD2 near 1.4v
Too extreme.
Most harsh loads are near 4.7-4.8GHz.
The ceiling needs to be rather curving downwards, else on TVB+ you spike too high

heatkiller, kein Frame. Alles normal. Eingespannt, Kühler mit Federschrauben, u-Scheiben. Hatte nie Probleme bei dem.
Die Berichte klingen nach einem überdruck Problem. Bzw eher ein krummer mount
Unterlegscheiben unter der Backplate erhöhen sogar den Druck davon.
Kannst du mir bitte den MC-SP 5x nacheinander auslesen lassen und mir die Werte davon durchgeben
Eins nach dem anderen.
mal was versucht.
tx 1.4
sa 1.20
imc: 1.38, zeigt immer 1.35 an
vdd 1.56
vddq 1.50
erro bei Test 8 nach 40 min.

Laut Tabelle error 8: to low WTRS, oder to high WTRL oder höheres WTRS stellen... was sollte man eher verstellen?
CPU Write error.
WTR zu hoch.
WTRS immer 8 oder niedriger
WTRL meinstens doppelt RRDL mit ausnahmen.
tWR immer über WTRL mit ausnahmen.

#8 jedoch gehört der CPU. Meistens
CPU instabil. Wie erwähnt, bitte um ein remount bzw um ein 5*MC-SP check.
Federschrauben nur mit den fingerspitzen reindrehen.
Bzw anfangs gerne mit dem Schraubenzieher ansetzen und max andrehen, dann rausdrehen und alle 4 Schrauben mit den Fingerspitzen halten und reindrehen bis man nicht mehr kann.
55 kann leider fast jede Spannung verursachen. Genauso sind Timings möglich.
Man kann es meist ein wenig eingrenzen wenn man beobachtet wann der 55er kommt.

Also wie weit der bootablauf geht. Wenn er schon 2-3 neu ansetzen muss ist man eh weit von dauerhafter Stabilität entfernt.

Kommt der 55er direkt im ersten Versuch und im normalen trainings Verlauf dann sind es meist nur Spannungen.
Abseits dem, ja :)
Bei VDDQ Training off, wenn man das falsche VDDQ erwischt innerhalb 15mV steps ~ dann trainiert es garnicht.
Das ist gut so. Das soll so.
hab Deine Werte übernommen, aber warum die Spannung ändern?
Wieso möchtest du die Timings abseits dem XMP ändern, es läuft ja :)
Der selbe Grund. Weniger Spannung = potentiell saubereres Signal.
Außerdem ist es nicht VDD_MEM welches Hitze erstellt.

VDD_MEM ist nur die Dataline.

Yes,I noticed first time your account name on OCN. The world is small. ☺️
I like the news shape better. Did you check the stability?
I believe MCE sets the option based on your cooling performance.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Looks cool.aybe you can raise the 51X point a little and you will get the shape. How is the performance?
Yes, and my first name is Laszlo, but here Martin is more "common", and yes, the world is small! :)

Well, the first thing I noticed is that I was able to run CB15 Extreme, but with AC at 0.6 the Core VID went up a lot when I ran all cores, that is, I'm limited by the temperature. I think I should do some undervolting in the curve and then raise AC a little, it would be a more efficient way to do an undervolt, right? I always read that to adjust AC we had to lower it as much as possible, which would be a mistake if the curve is not modified.

The only thing I don't understand is why one core, the P7, is rising in temperature compared to the rest, it is an important difference. That makes my tests crash when I go from VST to VT3. I hadn't noticed it, maybe because I always limited YC and had that false stability. I don't know why happens and how to fix it..
The only thing I don't understand is why one core, the P7, is rising in temperature compared to the rest, it is an important difference.

This is a 14th gen feature.
A new throttle system , up to 105° per core or 95° whole CPU.
Fused Curve is rated till that target.
Too extreme.
Most harsh loads are near 4.7-4.8GHz.
The ceiling needs to be rather curving downwards, else on TVB+ you spike too high
For me the top ratio, which is 62X on two cores works only like this. I tried negative offsets on top, but I got crashes in some apps. With a little + offet it works fine, but it's CPU and ratio dependent. :)
For me the top ratio, which is 62X on two cores works only like this. I tried negative offsets on top, but I got crashes in some apps. With a little + offet it works fine, but it's CPU and ratio dependent. :)
Slightly flatten higher, and pushed up with AC_LL doesnt want to work ?
I see you spike too high. till 1.55vid
I see you spike too high. till 1.55vid
That VID is funnily only the P0 core, but I have Core 4 and 5 set to get highest ratio.
I have no idea why it is doing this.
This is current daily hwinfo:
Look at the P0 VID.
You can also notice that that has the lowest VID too. Strange, I have no idea what is the reason for this.
The other thing you can notice, that VRM Power and Package power has a huge difference, but EC reading is always a meh

I bought a GEN14 Supercool block, it will have a little bit different pressure on the CPU, who knows, maybe it will help a little in mem OC too.


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Hi @Veii, thanks for your answer. I didn't know that it was a new feature of the 14th gen, in my graph it is more noticeable how the peak of the PCores occurs at a maximum of 89 and the P7 shoots up to 97. I'm limited by my cooling capacity to run YC and not even think in SFT where the Package Power is surely going to 330W. I have to make an undervolt using the curve, I was thinking if it is more convenient to achieve a more positive slope if, for example, I raise almost all the points by +10mV (except P3 which I must correct because it goes to the floor), and then with AC, which By default in LLC4 it is 0.269, could I try later to lower it to 0.2, is the rational ok? I mean, thinking that my CPU reaches 6GHz at 1.423V according to its factory V/F
This is a 14th gen feature.
A new throttle system , up to 105° per core or 95° whole CPU.
Fused Curve is rated till that target.

P7 High Temp.jpg

This could be an option to what I mentioned above, does my approach seem good to you? Or should I do the opposite, undervolt the entire curve starting at P3 and then rise the AC_LL?
VF Positive Offset.jpg

use the latest TM5
Drop SA to 1.14v level and start with 7800MT/s.
Figure median of delta out. till TM5 gives a #0 or #6.
Keep VDD2 near 1.4v
Ok, I'm going to do that, could I start with 8000, which is the XMP Profile? Something you told me is that VDDQ and TX are a fixed variable, my question is if I should take as an initial value, for example, 1.45V (which is the XMP value for 8000 2x16 A-die) for a 1.25v TX? , or do I look for a lower value, for example 1.4V (mem) / 1.2 (tx) as borders? That is my great doubt!

I guess play with VDDQ delta.
In 15mV steps till you fail boot. Then in 5mV steps up and down till it passes.
I say because the Encore trains everything, badly, but it trains, I mean, it boots, and I have constant crashes in Windows (of course on a test partition), but all the BSOD Error 41 are for this, for trying to find the VDDQ Delta. Thanks for your help as always @Veii!!
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