[Sammelthread] Sockel 939 / 940 / 754 - Thread

@Der Namenlose
Thx. This is real cheap. I wonder why. I am limited with space in my home, so won`t start a new system.
I am already fighting myself not to start with S939/ S754...🙈.

I guess using Corsair 3200LL or 3500C2 is okay. They're different products by corsair. I compare that with 4790 / 4770K like here. I guess they need a picture of the dimms to validate the score?
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@Der Namenlose
Thx. This is real cheap. I wonder why. I am limited with space in my home, so won`t start a new system.
I am already fighting myself not to start with S939/ S754...🙈.
That level of self-restraint is admirable - mine goes flying out the window every other week.
Just as it did today, but for a different 940 set ... self-hate setting in in 3..2..1..
That level of self-restraint is admirable - mine goes flying out the window every other week.
Just as it did today, but for a different 940 set ... self-hate setting in in 3..2..1..
I know exactly what you mean. With S939/S754 it still worked for me. I suspect that at some point I'll get weak. I would buy it only for DDR1 testing...
Ultra-D is your choice then. Perfect plattform for RAM testing.
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Zuviel Versand für das Bundle :( Ansonsten sehr empfehlenswert.
For the record, I just ordered 3x Opteron 285.
I don’t know if I will order a board or ecc memory, but at least those I have then.
I was just wondering, when running a dual Opteron setup ecc memory is needed.
How much “needed” is it? Is normal memory able to run?

Edit: Somehow it does not leave my mind.
I suppose for most boards it is not the ECC part, which afaik doesn't lead to incompatibility when using normal DDR,
but the registered part that many Dual 940 Boards use, which is generally not interchangeable with standard desktop DDR.

I have an Asus K8N-DL here and although I haven't tested it, I would suspect that it won't work with regular DDR since the entire memory QVL is made up of registered memory which due to the different way of addressing the chips is not going to work in standard 939 boards and vice versa for desktop DDR.
the Sun Ultra 20 M2 works with non ECC, dont know if its relevant :haha:

chipset is gettin very hot without cooling :unsure:

I was pretty sure about the ECC / non ECC and registered / unregistered stuff.
Maybe I missed something with the memory controller being integrated in the CPU with AMD.
Guess I'll try and check with my 940 system then.
I am testing my Venice s939 processors. I noticed I had a border I could not cross on 1 chip with C2.5-4-4-8 (2T). 1 did a 320MHz boot and 1 did not boot anything higher then 300MHz.
My best cpu so far can do a 345MHz boot for C2.5 (TCCD without bp). Good that I finally bin them.

Edit: Just boot tests for now.
Edit: Testing with a fixed LDT voltage of 1.30v
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I was lucky enough to get another two modules of the same part number, with the same Samsung ZCCC Chips it seems.
So I hope by the end of the week I can run both CPUs with Dual Channel and still have a module to spare.
Wondering however, if using 2GB modules might negatively impact the OC due to maybe a higher load on the chipset / cpu imc, so testing with just two of them might still be interesting to see.

Also surprised to see that the K8N-DL has at least somewhat limited OC Features in BIOS.
I knew of the adjustable HTT and hoped for some memory settings but not that HTT Voltage, NB Voltage, DIMM Voltage are options, too. CPU Voltage sadly only allows for VID + 50 mV 😅
Wenn ein BIOS-Baustein (DFI Lanparty Ultra-D) defekt ist, welche Möglichkeiten habe ich ?

-> Baustein entsorgen ?
-> neues BIOS aufspielen ?

Ich habe jetzt einen anderen BIOS-Baustein eingebaut und das Board bootet wieder. Hatte schon gedacht, ein Ultra-D hat die Hufe hoch gemacht und das bei 2,6 Volt RAM-Spannung.
I test some “defective” bios chips on other boards, I noticed some don’t work on nf7 but will work on ultra d or vise versa.
edit: and of course using an external programmer.
I just tested all of my tccd at pre set timings and settings on s939. I tested them to be able to post an boot C3 355MHz. I allready had 1 dimm which was capable. I tested 4 more dimms to be capable (all 256MB). So I need to bin these to find out which is the best dimm.

For those wanting to test max speed for ddr1. Please focus on 256MB tccd dimms. I have a lot of 512MB dimms and none boot 355MHz. From the few 256MB dimms I have, I allready had 1 which boots 355MHz c3, but now I have tested 4 more to be capable. 1 other crashed while booting and no 512MB dimm even tried to boot Windows XP. Knowing that I have a lot of 512’s.

Edit: So if you ever see ddr 700 512’s, buy them. That should be rather unique.
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good to know. As far as I see, TerraRaptor used a 512MB stick for his max Memory screen.
256MB TCCD are rare, especially good ones...
Edit: So if you ever see ddr 700 512’s, buy them. That should be rather unique.
No need to tell me :d I know they exist, but I have yet to see a kit for sale ...

256MB TCCD are rare, especially good ones...
stunny hatte ja 2x256MB der G.Skill DDR-600, sind so mit die einzigen, die ich auf Anhieb kenne, aber die hat er ja leider auch nichtmehr.
Ob es die ADATA DDR-600 oder Teamgroup, OCZ und Co. als hohe Bins mit 2x256MB gab, weiß ich gar nicht :unsure:

New memory arrived, but working with 2 or 4 sticks seems to have barely any impact on CB2003 performance and virtually none on overclockability.
But to my surprise I can run those 8GB at 230MHz with fairly tight timings 2.5-3-3-7 1T - at least for server grade memory that seems pretty good.

I'll do more testing in September, hopefully with a little better cooling, but the coming weeks are pretty busy.
And since my team doesn't really compete in the team cup, it's more for reference anyway 😅
Seit sich die Staubsauger auf Ebay bewegen, wird das kaum noch was.
Stunned wird sehr viele habe. Unbewusst ging mir nur mein 256er Set ins Netz. Ich war enttäuscht, da ich von BH-5 ausgegangen bin.

Irgendwas rät mir auch von gebrauchten TCCD von "Kennern" ab... :sick:

E: OC-Module, gerade als 256er zu finden -> JOKE OF THE DAY
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Da muss ich dich enttäuschen. Ich habe kaum TCCD als 256 MB Sticks. Keine Ahnung, wer das Gerücht mal gestreut hat, aber bei mir werdet ihr nicht fündig.
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