[Sammelthread] AMD RDNA 3 Overclocking

Mit offenem Powertarget bzw. AQUA OC Bios packt die Karte brutal zu. Über 3000 mhz.. Aber will dann halt an die 500 W :)
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Doch ,bin wohl der einzige.:unsure:

Am WE mach ich nochmal was, mal sehen ob man die Reihenfolge noch verändern kann.

Hail fellow XTXer, you are not alone! in benching TS! I just been very busy since i got my XFX xtx BE merc (for 859$) after christmas! But managed 10-15 runs in TS, about 20 runs in port
royal and a handful in TSE/SolarBay and speedway and was able to come up with these on air! All on same aircooling setup deshroud I had on my XT with ptm7950 on the die, stock heatsink ofcourse (weirdly enough I didnt know the XTX heatsink was thinker than the XT XFX BE) SO when it got cold for a few days here (I only get seriously when its under 0 c ;) ) I bought some HVAC aluminium 8" round ducting and a cheap honeywell fan, Stripped it down and ran it inline the ducting tube.... directly feeding the 4 x arctic p8 maxs.....

All I can say is some of y'all with liquid cooling better step y'all game up...! I kid I kid, But you must admit, it is impressive for 48$ worth of fans, 15$ ptm7950 and a stock heatsink and a 10$ arctic ab hub!

oh and Im #1 world right now in port royal! (sorry @Butanding1987 :(..and im afraid i may be coming for your speed way as well)

XFX = imo best rdna 3 cards, both mine have been.. well. Very high quality and some of or in some cases the best in the world.

OH and I guess Ill throw out there, awhile back I hit 35k on my XT in TS just never came to update you guys!.. Some screens to keep your eyes busy, Sorry for not translating to German but... I know the people here who are interested can read english well... Anyways pretty proud of these runs on only air. I dont think anyone else is even close and im mopping the floor with most the liquid guys. WISH I HAD MORE TIME, also I hit 41.2k graph timespy... but since it was the old preview crash alot driver it gave some weird error when I tried to upload, so I said scre that sep preview driver and just did everything with 24.1.1 and maybe 1 with 23.12.1? Both excellent drivers, I mnay have done one with the AVATAR preview driver as well.. but its also crash happy.

Prost friends! ill be back when i can get 20 or more clean runs with better scores. Have fun.

xtx NEW stuff:
port#1worldxtx.pngporttop100.png solarrecord.pngSolartop100.pngTSEinfscreen.pngTSEtop100.png

a Fav pic of mine right now, #1 world XT and #1 XTX concurrent! and a shot of the current PR world record with hwinfo

Last but not least the best I managed with XT before putting it away for a bit for the XTX

Now when it gets cold cold again, ill have a base of experience with these few runs to build off of, then we'll really be hurting feelings.

Thanks as always, I took many tips from this thread when benching my XTX and it was quite a bit different in the way it worked than the XT beleive it or not!


  • TStop100.png
    22,7 KB · Aufrufe: 108
Ist schon problematisch wenn mann so ein übertriebenes Ego hat . Was will er uns mitteilen ? Das er der beste ist und alle anderen Newbies ?
Er freut sich das die Karte so gut geht, denke ich :)
Ich finds gut so etwas zu lesen. Schöne Werte!

Meine Finger zucken, bei den aktuellen Preisen wird so eine XTX echt lecker...
Wenn er dort sitzt, wo es -50 Grad hatte oder hat, dann sind das trotz Luftkühler schon gute Bedingungen. Dazu 5 Holzmannsche Netzteile - dann geht schon was :-)
Vielleicht will er auch einfach die müden Bencher hier wieder heiß machen.
Vielleicht will er auch einfach die müden Bencher hier wieder heiß machen.

Hätte man ein MPT wären bestimmt mehr Leute dabei. Nicht jeder hat Lust ein EVC anzulöten.

Luftkühler bleibt halt Lüftkühler ,der bringt niemals die Wärme so schnell weg wie ein WK mit LM.

Und UL sollte mal ihr Systeminfo überarbeiten. Muß man mehr installieren und deinstallieren wie benchen.
Hätte man ein MPT wären bestimmt mehr Leute dabei. Nicht jeder hat Lust ein EVC anzulöten.

Luftkühler bleibt halt Lüftkühler ,der bringt niemals die Wärme so schnell weg wie ein WK mit LM.

Und UL sollte mal ihr Systeminfo überarbeiten. Muß man mehr installieren und deinstallieren wie benchen.
Ja die Sysinfo hat mich auch einiges an Nerven gekostet.
Ist schon problematisch wenn mann so ein übertriebenes Ego hat . Was will er uns mitteilen ? Das er der beste ist und alle anderen Newbies ?
I couldn't tell at first whether you were just kidding around or trolling or something or whether you were genuinely convinced that I came over here with an air-cooled XTX to throw around my 'ego'? Have you considered the other side of the leaf? That it's not my oversized ego causing you such pain but rather your undersized confidence that has betrayed you in this situation ?

Anyways..I always come here expecting some good rubbings to be had... my father always told me his favorite part of spending a few years over living in your guys's country was that Germans, tho they can be just as stubborn as anyone...always Always had a proclivity on how to bust the balls properly or give a good ribbing without being all uptight and angry or defnesive about everything which at the time he felt a lot of folks back home in the states were always way too uptight...

Not to mention when I first got here I pretty much said I had come to pay homage to this forum for all the information and techniques I had assimilated into my own style...I felt it was the right thing to do....

But anyways no reason to talk about that anymore.

Now see devcom's reaction is one I would expect from a seasoned overclocker when someone comes in kicking up some dust with a factory cooler heat sink setup with some upgraded fans it's not a big deal.. right? I may be posting good scores and that's all fun but reality is all of our cards could play any game out there right now without probably a single mhz increase above stock... Right..?

There was a guy over in overclock.net I pasted basically the same breakdown with all the pictures and everything I did here..and he was like good numbers but just so you know it's not really just an on-air card and quickly dubbed it a "extreme cooling solution" and went on to say anyone would feel the same . Lolol then he something to the order of I had a hardware volt mod and use cold outdoor air and I was like what the heck does having a volt hardware mod have anything to do with being on air... And who doesn't put the PC or radiator out on the balcony or duct some air in to get an extra edge I've been doing it for over 20 years and many people were doing it before me ...its so odd this world right now... Must have Either outrage or sow division...only two forms of output rn... Smh

So everyone else who commented playfully or got the fact that I was trying to light some fires under some butts so we could enjoy these cards and compete...you know those who do have EVC soldered on or a 550 bios installed and are on water setups or whatever so we could compete more and have fun ...

As far as my opinion on my own ability while I've been overclocking since well I was a child my first overclock was a 486 DX2 50 mhz to 66 MHz.. but in no way does that make me feel like I can come over and actually clown on people that have helped me get better at a hobby I've loved for decades....right? But I'm not going to sit here and ramble on too much

I just wanted to come share some pretty good success for $50 in fans a $10 fan hub and $7 in PTM 7950...on A card I got for 859.99 $ which in my opinion in today's age is a slamming price for this type of performance.. but anyways I'm sorry for the wall of non-native dialects but just wanted to discuss and all that good stuff didn't think I would take an attack over it but it it's fine

Oh and @Devcom don't waste any on the 4ghZ... I broke four gigahertz on gravity marks 1440p on DirectX 12 setting and opengl which is less meaningful obviously but DirectX 12 is definitely an accepted current API. Same test I broke 4.0 on with the XT but this time more wattage... this time with about 600 w load.. where as xt took 500 only

✌️ Sorry again for rambling.. and somehow causing butt hurt with an air-cooled XTX 😁
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Oh and one more thing yes system info is absolutely garbage and has been for years I literally have scripts that reinstall it if certain things happen .. right on my desktop if I crash at all in time spy I click one of the scripts that says times spy it automatically Powers down my computer then upon me powering up with the power button because reset doesn't work to fix the driver.. it goes into windows and immediately reinstall sysifo and starts a sfc /scan now and then a dism restore health ... so I have decently intricate scripts that I use to bench more efficiently.... And can use when something unfortunate happens

And guess what command line is in every one of those three scripts I've put together? Either repair uninstall or install system info ! I hate it! So I'm with you 2 devcom/red...., I feel like I spend more time waiting for system info to scan my computer before a test and waiting for it to be reinstalled because it just screwed me out of a new high score because it randomly broke...than I do actually benching.

Oh btw just hit a new PB in time spy again someone tell the Chinese I said 'later nerds'
😆 -Woot top 10.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@Homex : FYI: I won't get involved in your kindergarten arguments here because I don't like your boastful choice of words, you can leave them in the OCN forum.
@Homex : FYI: I won't get involved in your kindergarten arguments here because I don't like your boastful choice of words, you can leave them in the OCN forum.
Yikes.... Right to name calling, nice. Ok well.... In all honesty If thats what you got to tell yourself to cope because you came at me when I held no malice towards anyone here, Nor was a boasting,...(I mean How could I? There are several people here that ARE faster and I've said on this very forum I had taken tips from that have leveled me up concerning my proficiency with this rdna3 series card)....And i've said as much months ago in this very thread. The more you hold on to this story you've been weaving about me because you happen to get weirdly upset about someone elses results, someone you dont know at all..... AND proceeded to get upset because you took me trying to put some 'gasoline' under ppls butts to do a few bench sessions and have fun and compare a bit as an actual personal attack on you....somehow?.. and you took this as egotistical, which is perception at its finest btw first of all, considering serveral other people here took it exactly as I meant it.. Suprising you didnt notice you're standing alone on this stance after your peers are like, "Nah Chill I think he meant this.,....."

I find it interesting you didnt immediately consider this course of action would pretty much confirm your projection in this situation... pretty hard to miss with the kid insults bassically calling me the child or more precisely you calling out the level of my 'argument' as adolecent, as you put it..But.....

Im not arguing with anyone? lol But, okay man, tell ya what, i'm new here. So....sorry to offend you. Though I disagree with you in every aspect and My thoughts are laid out clearly above on this...... Furthermore acting like someone should be in kindergarten becuase I was giving healthy competition nudge to the ribs, 100% honestly just trying to rev some competition up with some mild ribbing, and get a few comments on my benches....AND SOMEHOW im at fault because a not even directed at you comment wadded your panties up??? How?.

I meant absolutely zero boasting nor was I holding my nose high with any type of superiority complex. Those are your words not mine and Its clear to see people can see that...I mean Ask anyone from any forums since the 90s. SURE Yes I like to throw down a little 'friendly smack talk' for lack of a better word .... or some 'horn corn' if you will from time to time to get people to participate with abit more gusto in the things we're all intersted in..... So to just drop this....Again, I apologize but...cmon man...Should I really be the one apolgizing rn? Thats what i'd ask myself id I were you...

You know right after i got PRIVATELY mad after how much better your scores were than mine, with so much less money and effort......... bwahhahahahah :d jk sorry. I had to. It was too free not to take. We cool. Besides you're not 'getting involved'...Right? right.....you know after... you already just got involved. But i digress...

hardeee harrrrr

seeya guys

Oh here is the sauce on the latest pulll:

new ts rec 41184pts.png
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was bist denn Du die ganze Zeit so angepisst???
Ich bin überhaupt nicht angepisst . Ich gönne ihm seine Resultate vom ganzem Herzen . Ich habe mich wahrscheinlich nicht vollständig ausgedrückt . Mir ging es es um die Wortwahl seines Beitrages .
Würde Dir es passen ,wenn einer sagt er wischt mit Dir den Fußboden auf , Zitat " and im mopping the floor with most the liquid guys. " . Oder Shirkan's Punktestand mit LOL -RIP zu bezeichnen . Hat aus meiner Sicht nicht's mit einem Forumsbeitrag zu tuen , zumal wir uns hier versuchen normal auszutauschen. Die Nicklichkeiten zwischen Shirkan und Holzmann im 6900 Forum hatten da wenigsten den Anreiz eines Wettbewerbes . Als Troll bin ich auch noch nie in einem Forum bezeichnet wurden . Ich glaube man sollte das Niveau einer Konservation normal halten .
Hätte er mich normal gefragt ,was mich stört ,hätte ich ihm diese Anwort gegeben .
In seinem 2 Beitrag #2.230 kann er es ebenfalls nicht lassen mit seinen Beleidigungen fortzufahren , und eben auf dieses Niveau lasse ich mich nicht herab . Ich habe leider eine andere Einstellung , wie man miteinander kommuniziert .
Ok, das muss tatsächlich nicht sein.
Ich find seine Beiträge unnötig provokant.
Erfolg gönne ich ihm, der Tonfall sollte ein anderer sein - den pflegen wir hier bis auf ganz wenige Tage in Jahre eigentlich nicht.
Ich würde sagen, ruhig Blut. Entweder er tobt sich hier aus und beruhigt sich. Oder merkt dass das nicht unser Stil ist und zieht weiter. Im schlimmsten Fall springen welche von uns an und machen mit.
Ich find seine Beiträge unnötig provokant.
Erfolg gönne ich ihm, der Tonfall sollte ein anderer sein - den pflegen wir hier bis auf ganz wenige Tage in Jahre eigentlich nicht.
Ich würde sagen, ruhig Blut. Entweder er tobt sich hier aus und beruhigt sich. Oder merkt dass das nicht unser Stil ist und zieht weiter. Im schlimmsten Fall springen welche von uns an und machen mit.
Er ist immer so Laut.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja die Sysinfo hat mich auch einiges an Nerven gekostet.
Mit 7900XTX und preview Treiber habe ich das problem mit Sysinfo öfter gehabt.
Mit 4090 habe ich schon auch ein paar mal das gesehen aber nicht so öft.
Ich werfe die Sysinfo unter und lasse ich 3Dmark nach dem neu start nochmal installieren.
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

Meine Finger zucken, bei den aktuellen Preisen wird so eine XTX echt lecker...
Du meinst solle ich wieder eine holen. :lol:
Die Frage hatte ich dir per PN beantwortet. Wenn du eine zweite Meinung brauchst, frag am besten direkt im Thread. So wie ich es dir von Anfang an empfohlen hatte. ;)
Guten Tag, Könnten sie mir behilflich sein Beim Bios Flash von einer AMD Reference XTX?
Ich bin da leider sehr unerfahren, habe einen Bios flash noch nie einen RDNA3 gemacht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moin. :) For starters:

Hardware (Beispiel, ggf. 1,8 V-Adapter notwendig):
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Guten Tag, Vielen dank für den Link zu dem Post das hat mir schon viele Dinge beantwortet, welches bios würden sie mir denn am meisten Empfehlen und verliere ich funktionen durch das Bios der Aqua OC?
Die GPU sitzt unter Wasser mit einem MORA (Alphacool GPX Waterblock mit PTM7950).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gerne. (Vielleicht den Full Quote oben entfernen zur besseren Übersichtlichkeit?)

welches bios würden sie mir denn am meisten Empfehlen und verliere ich funktionen durch das Bios der Aqua OC?
Was ist denn das Ziel der Übung? "Nur" Spielen mit mehr Power oder die 3DMark-Ranglisten stürmen? Hier ist eine Tabelle mit den Powerlimits der verschiedenen Modelle.

Ein Funktionsverlust durch BIOS-Flash sollte theoretisch nicht erfolgen. Einige Anwender berichten aber von minimal schlechteren Maximalfrequenzen im Grenzbereich starken Overclockings beim Einsatz des Aqua-XOC-BIOS. Bei Multimonitor-Setups muss ggf. darauf geachtet werden, dass das Video-Anschlussterminal die gleichen Ports bietet.
Gerne. (Vielleicht den Full Quote oben entfernen zur besseren Übersichtlichkeit?)

Was ist denn das Ziel der Übung? "Nur" Spielen mit mehr Power oder die 3DMark-Ranglisten stürmen? Hier ist eine Tabelle mit den Powerlimits der verschiedenen Modelle.

Ein Funktionsverlust durch BIOS-Flash sollte theoretisch nicht erfolgen. Einige Anwender berichten aber von minimal schlechteren Maximalfrequenzen im Grenzbereich starken Overclockings beim Einsatz des Aqua-XOC-BIOS. Bei Multimonitor-Setups muss ggf. darauf geachtet werden, dass das Video-Anschlussterminal die gleichen Ports bietet.
Insbesondere um die Displayanschlüsse ging es mir da die Reference nur 1x hdmi 1x usb c und 2xDP hat.
Hauptsächlich geht es mir um 3D mark ja, aber auch in Games da ich meist sehr hart im Powerlimit hänge da mir das Stock vbios der Reference nur 400W short und 335W long erlaubt, damit komme ich nur auf 34k im timespy gpu score.
Another Update! Happy with results so far, Timespy first, slipped into top5 on xtx top 100 gpu. not quite enough to get another xtx into gpu TS gpu Hall of Fame, and im very close......
BBBBBBut I did break our xtx into a new HOF list that i've never seen anything but 4090s on since i've been looking over the past year. Wildlife! Cheers guys.

TStop100xtx.jpgsodapdf-converted (3).jpg

sodapdf-converted (6).jpgsodapdf-converted (5).jpgsodapdf-converted (4).jpg

Edit: Also this was on 23.12.1 win 11. hardware scheduling on. I find it personally superior to preview driver, atleast for me!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Insbesondere um die Displayanschlüsse ging es mir da die Reference nur 1x hdmi 1x usb c und 2xDP hat.
Hauptsächlich geht es mir um 3D mark ja, aber auch in Games da ich meist sehr hart im Powerlimit hänge da mir das Stock vbios der Reference nur 400W short und 335W long erlaubt, damit komme ich nur auf 34k im timespy gpu score.
Aqua und Reference vertragen sich gut. USB-C bleibt aktiv.
Lol to those who find provacation in how I speak you take me honestly all wrong. Even more honestly, I'm literally just trying to drum up some competition and have some laughs, see redf has it figured out...and yes red, agreed, can be loud at times.... Seems like a few got their panties wadded up in a bunch, your wasting your energy. Trust me. I'm not trying to bait old timer overclockers into fights over some ribbing on the internet.. Stop being so sensitive. It's not that serious.

@turbogear what happened to your card? Sell? Magic Smoke? Looked strong for all those months back

And speaking of competition, @Devcom Tag, you're it. Nice score btw. A few swear words and I was able to squeak out an answer.

it's weird I don't see much benefit from higher memory frequency in PR, I have hynix memory, I've heard ppl orefere it to Samsung ..May I ask, With your hardware mods and filters are you seeing nice gains even up past 2900mhz? I've never ran more than 2834...I always get negative returns past there, even throwing voltage at it.. though I've never exceeded .125v on memside...I'm sure you're comfortable with more...tbh I could clock core low and mem higher get same results... But core seems more stable towards the high end of the cards limit than high mem for me.

Insane scores, on water but much more on air.

My RAM also maxes out at the same 2834 mhz setting in driver / TS, not much gain through voltage either.

Though until now I didnt really try hard with cold temps.
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