-= 1.0001 on March 23, 2007 / Attention! Patch put on the Russian version of the license game!
Saved games Saved games from previous versions will not work after installing updates.
Synchronizing Accession to the server will be possible only if the client and server versions of the same game.
Update fixes the following bugs :
1. Buttons are <najatami>, and the setting in the Options game is in itself.
2. Players can kill your teammates with a knife parameter <ogony souznika> equal 0.
3. Play airport when Network game client in gaining command line server command.
4. Play airport when a player joins the network game lost earlier in Odinocna game.
5. Name cards in the network game appearing in the form of ID when voting for change maps.
6. Play airport while attempting to buy when you click <kupiti> menu purchase several times.
7. Play airport when a player activates anomaly in a <wremeni anomalii> equal 0.
8. Purchased items will be available in storage, if the cost of an item exceeds the amount of money in the account player.
9. You have weapons of ease at the same time as it is activated weapons in the network game.
10. The network game server can game on pause.
11. Players may use the names of the other players in the sequence in a command line.
12. You can not view the scene passage camera included CPC.
13. The player can accelerate time in the game Odinocna by clicking <.
14. Players can injure and kill friends on the team, despite the fact that <ogony souznikov> billed to 0.
15. Initial weather in the game are not always consistent with those offered configured server in a network game.
16. His character player who took command in the <komanda against komandu> or <ohota for artefaktom> remained in the game.
17. The <pokazawati orujie> and <identificace NPS> not work.
18. The <wverh> and <vniz> invertirovana by default.
19. The airport where players choose or change maps, but did not choose the card for a change.
20. Personae player not damaged from the fall, if your <ogony souznikov> configured server is 0.
21. You die when out of the selection of uniforms back to the game.
22. Death by air is not counted as a negative authorization to play in the <komanda against <command.
23. Game stay at the opening of the purchase, in some spots base in a game for <ohota artefaktom>.
24. In the browser in the network game, I got the message on the purchase, which could go by clicking gap.
25. Professor Kruglov sometimes could not open the door to the mobile scientific laboratory.
26. When a player is close to the wall and vstrelivaet of false grenade, grenade flies for the level without causing damage.
27. You can kill enemies through the roof and the wall.
28. After Wolf to the completion of any minor assignments given to them, the status of these jobs in the CPC does not change the <provalenne>.
29. The problem with the question <ubiti leader banda> indicating character at the level of Dark Valley.
30. Disappears component mode at the main menu to change a screen.
31. Anomalies do not appear to activate the option in the menu of the server.
32. Play leaves with a server for the game against <komanda <command the option <nabludatel>.
33. Problems <sliznak> hunt.
34. The problem with the possibility of a raise through the wall.
35. The problem with money in a network game.
36. The price of weapons in storage.
37. Play vletala when the vote was short of clearing the player.
38. Play vletala in rare cases, player of the team.
39. The problem with the team <update rate>.
40. Tree in drums breaks, although fire is not there.
41. You may, in a call between 2-uma stalkers and tables at the bar and getting there.
42. False description of two minor figures Sakharov.
43. After the game online from Sidorovic instead of a name is one of the names of players online games.
44. Play vletala when he fought with two psevdosobakami at Radar.
45. Play zawisala while trying to double a server network games with the wrong key.
46. On computers with Microsoft Win 2000 on minimize games (Alt + Tab) the mouse cursor on the desktop is not functioning.
47. The problem with the buttons on the menu buying Network games.
48. Play fly to rotate maps in the game Network (maps TIA, Deserted Village and Brosennaya factory).
49. Players can raise abandoned grenade enemies, and then re-use them.
50. The network game player name changed to a random name <_1> with at the end, if it has not been addressed before joining the game.
51. Characters players are removed from the game in the network game, if removal was progolosovano unanimously.
52. The player can not block other player in the Web game.
53. The problem with the names saved games.
54. Play airport when a player dies from radiation exposure in Agroproma It'sa.
55. Artifact is not subject to the laws of gravity, if it looks at the network games in the <ohota for artefaktom>.
56. Character players not damage caused by the explosions, if the server is Fire allies equal 0.
57. Game stay, in some cases, during the pozagruzki Shelter.
58. If you try to refill the player weapons and start shooting weapons continue recharged.
59. Play airport when the player character instantly killed after he was born.
60. They will not switch to the mousewheel in a single game, if the character's no grenades.
61. Some text errors.
Productivity and performance is made numerous improvements to optimize games and download processor and video card.