Neue Intel Chipsatztreiber...
Falls es jemand anders auch noch verschlafen hat:
INF Update Utility [INFINST_AUTOL.EXE] (2299KB) 5/7/2007 Download
This utility installs INF files that inform the operating system how to properly configure the chipset for specific functionality such as USB and AGP.*+XP+Professional+x64+Edition&lang=eng&strOSs=109&submit=Go%21
Falls es jemand anders auch noch verschlafen hat:
INF Update Utility [INFINST_AUTOL.EXE] (2299KB) 5/7/2007 Download
This utility installs INF files that inform the operating system how to properly configure the chipset for specific functionality such as USB and AGP.*+XP+Professional+x64+Edition&lang=eng&strOSs=109&submit=Go%21