Danke für deine Antwort. Schon bitter, eigentlich will ich die Preispolitik nicht unterstützen, aber eine Alternative gibt es keine.
So habe ich 120-141 (Cap) FPS
Texture quality: Ultra - You have plenty of VRAM (This setting won't effect FPS) and you won't gain visibility by reducing the resolution of textures, you'll make them worse.
Texture filtering: Ultra - This will make distant things sharper, increasing your visibility.
Lighting Quality: Low - This will make the lighting less realistic but will not decrease visibility, in fact sometimes it will make things more visible, so turn it down and keep the extra FPS
Effects Quality: Low - As above, this will make things look less realistic and sometimes that can be a good thing for a competitive edge.
Post Processing: Low/Medium - Low if you're not resolution scaling, medium if you are. This is an FPS hog and won't clear up the image, in fact it will blur it up in some cases.
Mesh Quality: Ultra - This will make objects render in at longer distances (reduces pop-ins)
Terrain Quality: Ultra - You want the game to accurately portray the terrain otherwise enemies might appear to be in cover to you, when they are in fact in line of sight to you and can see (and shoot) you just fine
Undergrowth Quality: Low - The higher the setting, the more 'decoration' on the ground, and the more bushes that might be on your screen but not the enemy's.
Antialiasing Post: Off - The antialiasing blurs things pretty badly, especially TAA... and it eats a ton of FPS.
Ambient Occlusion: Off - Same deal as lighting.
Ka ob es schon gepostet wurde: